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My sketches are super messy so when I send off a sketch to commissioners I basically send them a lineart.

^^ This is what I consider my lineart. I couldn't record this process: with the lineart, instead of keeping it black I put a layer on top to put colors into the lineart. I usually keep my lineart black until I do some base colors. Then I customize the lineart to the colors picked.

^^ Here are the base colors. The black would have been too harsh so I made it a nice purple. Because I wanted most of the colors to be pink focused, a darker version of pink (that's not "harsh") is purple.
Some of the lighter areas are a lighter purple instead.

^^ Once I get the base colors I put in some shading. Usually just pick a darker color to place in, but with this one I also put a layer on top with purple to give it another layer of shading and give it some life rather than flat shading.

From here I just work out the colors and shading. Often I just make a layer on top and work on it by color picking. I don't like working on one layer for too long or else the colors start to blend really poorly. That's why when I save/screenshot these things You can see that only part of the picture is finished, then progresses.



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