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Hello everyone, as I promised, I  am now making available the mini-game that was supposed to be the  Christmas special. In the initial plan, the game should just be that  first screen that I showed at the end of the video in the previous post,  however, I decided to add a little more content, and placing the  characters in other positions revealed some details that could be  improved.


I confess that I even thought about changing the game's  decoration from Christmas to Valentine's and waiting a little longer  for delivery in February. But I prefer to think that I'm giving you this  special super early for Christmas this year.  🙃

I will probably  make another post explaining the technical details of this mini-game,  but the most important thing is that the entire game is made with  procedural animations and this allows interaction.

As a tutorial,  the objective is simply to make the girls cum, and to do that you need  to get the timing right. During the blowjob, you can help by holding the  girls by the horns but don't overdo it as this can lead to a game-over,  just like if you overdo spanking Penny's ass.

The  controls are the same as S4H, but this may confuse. If you don't know  how to proceed just move the mouse around the screen until the cursor  becomes an X, then click.

Thank you again for your  support and understanding. I hope you enjoy this mini-game as much as I  enjoyed creating it. Happy gaming!



Hi, congratulations on completing your mini game despite the fact that the Christmas period is over. I think you've done well. Well done for your motivation. Here's my feedback after about 2 hours of testing. To do this, I played several games to see all the details, the systems, but above all to see if everything worked or if some of the problems I encountered were my own fault.I've also replayed a few games on the S4H version of the game to see how they've evolved. Let's start by upgrading your graphics and enhancing your artistic vision. We can see a marked improvement in your graphics and your mastery of them. We've also seen a real evolution in character design, with more depth in terms of skin colour and detail. It's a real pleasure to see that you've made great progress and it shows in your work. I've enjoyed watching your artistic vision develop over the years. The decor is also very well crafted and full of details that prove your investment in it. The improvements to the shaders and lighting effects are clearly qualitative and really add contrast and depth.a small comment though. I find that the light is sometimes too present or rather too strong and intense on certain points of view of the camera. Here I'm taking a step back because I'm more sensitive to light than other people. But otherwise there's nothing to complain about, we can see your mastery and above all a gigantic improvement between the mini game and the latest version of your game (not the demo but version 2.2.1). Camera management is also very sophisticated and improves the game. In my opinion, there's just a problem with the way it's managed at certain moments. I'm thinking of the sex scene with Penny where I found it hard to turn the camera in the direction I wanted. The camera sometimes got stuck on the front view of Penny and it was difficult to return to the action zone. But here I think it's just a question of mise en scne rather than camera management. As for the rest, there's nothing to complain about, the camera is fluid and easy to control. I find the interaction system much more qualitative and intuitive. The fact that there are visual cues for changing the cursor shows us that we're on the right track, without making things any easier. For the action scenes: The first is the least intuitive due to the lack of visuals (the girls' reactions) to tell us if we're on the right track. The second one was fine. It's fairly intuitive to use and the mechanism is easy to understand. The third is what bothered me the most. The system is very good, but the problem is that we find ourselves stuck in the action too quickly because of the soris which leaves too quickly, which makes us lose the action zone quite easily. I think that adding a blocking system by holding the left click of the mouse once the area has been identified might improve it. Of course it should not block too easily to leave all the interest in the system but just give a limit I also think that adding more challenges during the action phases would be a plus in my opinion. For example, if we mess up too much or do things wrong, we receive penalties like losing progress. These penalties could also be visually perceived with the character creation. In my opinion, you have a good mastery of expressions, so why not play with them to tell us if we are doing things well or not? I think that this would also give more depth to the characters with things that please one but not the other, pushing us to find the right approach for each of them. In summary, you have made a lot of progress in mastering your style and direction in the game. We can see your investment and involvement in your work which is admirable. I can encourage you to continue in your momentum. I'm curious to see the results on S4H with the first versions which include all your work. Although this is only a mini game and I'm sure it doesn't offer a real overview of all your strengths., it; already offers a good preview of the sequel. Take your time and take care of yourself. I hope that my comment is constructive enough and not too complicated to read given its length ^^ Congratulations and courage again, you are onto good things.


Hello! Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. This mini-game is not in the final version, in fact, I want to continue adding and refining mechanics to it indefinitely, before adding these mechanics to the main game. So far I've been dealing with the challenge of making everything work, but I hope to get to the point of making the controls smooth and intuitive so that the experience is as good as possible. I intend to make a post explaining the technical details and I will use your feedback to list the necessary corrections. Thanks again, I'm glad you were pleased with the overall progress and I hope to keep improving.