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Hello guys! I want to apologize for this long time without news, I'm in the configuration and tweaking phase, a lot of work has been done testing and redoing some things and there's not much interesting to show. So I often prefer to spend time working on the game rather than disclosing progress.

But I have good news, my daily time to work on the game has increased considerably, I got a job that allows me to work from home and control my schedules. In addition, it's a job I like to do, so it doesn't burn me out. It's still a freelance job, but I'm doing everything I can to make it prosper.

Another advantage is that now I had some money left to invest in assets to improve the game. The first thing I decided to buy was a shader that works better with lights than mine, so I could reverse engineer it to fix how my code calculates lighting.

I had already overcome many of the shading issues, but at the cost of performance and a long time adjusting, the new code is not only more efficient, but the result is better looking. Finally, the hair shine is as it should.

Also finally Blowhard City took shape. I got a low poly city that's perfect for filling the windows, but still detailing enough to serve as scenery for outdoor scenes, without compromising game performance.

This may seem unimportant, but for me it is a great achievement. All the characters are very much alive in my head, but until then the city was just an intention. Blowhard is our Springfield, and being able to visualize it makes my process of bringing ideas to life much easier.

It also facilitates the inclusion of map navigation, although this is not necessary for the time being.

I think many of you are more interested in the continuation of the story, but making the scenes look appealing, by fixing the background, textures, and lighting, has taken me a lot more time than putting together the scenes themselves.

This game is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life and I want it to really look good. I want to be so proud of this project that I'll feel good about putting it on my resume when I go looking for a job.

I hope this also reassures those who fear that I might abandon the project. My commitment to working on S4H has not diminished at any time. It wasn't my plan to take that long, but I'm doing my best to deliver an update that's worth the wait.

Thank you so much for your support and I hope you will continue with me on this journey.



can't wait till it drops, also congratulations


Thanks! In a couple of weeks things will be back to normal for me and I'll be back to update you on development progress.


Glad to hear you landed a gig.... also excited a out the upgrades to the game. We know you are working hard on it. Keep it up!


Hey malixe, haven't seen you post in awhile just wanted to check in on ya.


I apologize for the lack of news, I've been working so hard that I haven't even had time to prepare material to show. In the last month I got into a hell of bugs with the other project I'm working on, I still need a couple of days to finally get this resolved. Then I believe that the administrators of this project will no longer need my services and I will have full time to work on S4H. What I haven't been able to do yet is put the last touch on the look of the characters. I already have what it takes, but there are several characters to work with. Having this ready I will be able to post all the prints. There's also playable content on the way before I get Steep 3 done.