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I made some improvements to the game's navigation, now if there is only one option in the hotspot, this option's icon appears on the cursor and you only need to click it once. The menu only appears if there is more than one option. This makes the game much more fluid.

The game is fully functional but I still have to make some improvements in some scenes, especially in the final scene, I'm going to redo some animations and fix some bugs in movements and facial expressions.  I made the decision to leave out four scenes for now.

It's the scenes that introduce Wanda's arc and they're not very good. The text, animations, and even the design of a character introduced in these scenes didn't turn out as I wanted, and I don't want Wanda to be that character that no one likes, she will play an important role in the future.

This change slightly shrinks the game content, to compensate I plan to include an extra scene, something that would only come in a future update, but I think it will serve perfectly as a post-credit scene for this update.

Well, that's it for now. Happy Halloween to those who celebrate, it's a shame I can't bring you any special content, I really want to do something on special dates in the future. Thanks to all of you, see you soon.


Improvements in game navigation



Good job!


Looking Good :)