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Next release is taking longer than anticipated and honestly I'm pretty exhausted with a busy work schedule, a kitchen renovation underway, and trying to get things sorted with the holiday week that's coming up way too soon. So I think I need to take a break for a little while. 

I do finally have the neck collar meshes all working the best they will. These will not work with anything except slim necks and look very questionable in some animations/poses, but they work for photo taking and that's the important thing. I have to adjust the texture maps so they don't conflict with some hair and then make all the swatches. 

All that to say, another set is in the works but I need to take a slight break. Don't expect anything out this weekend. I also may put these on pause and do bridle edits instead (I have an Icelandic one nearly ready and want to do some Figure 8 variations). Depends how I'm feeling and either these or more bridles should be up before Xmas but probably not both. 

I have not yet made my main horse OC which is partly why I've not changed my profile pic on here so I might pause to make more pretty horses for myself instead. I know these figurative schedules and deadlines are my own creation but the issue is I want to work on more leg protection & breast collars yet told myself I can't until I finish the collars >_< 

Anyway, thanks for the support and happy holidays. I'm going to go quiet for a bit to decompress as much as I can. 




These are very pretty! I hope whenever you have a chance you will consider making some Neck ropes (the type used for "bridleless riding") <3 <3

SchrodCat CC

Yup. At least one will be out relatively soon. If not before the year ends, then early next year.