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Fixed for my leg boots! Also a version with no pad! There's no high/low poly for the version without a saddle pad because more than half of the polys were coming from the pad mesh. Not necessary without it. 

Also changed the .psd for recoloring. See last image for easy delete if you've made some previously and want to make them compatible for these meshes. If you don't delete that little part in the top left and apply to these saddles, they will still overlap with the boots. If you delete and apply to the original meshes, you won't get overlap but you'll also get a non-textured underside of the pad that you can see a little bit of at the withers.

Credit to MinervaMagicka (and SSO) etc etc

I've had a terrible sleep schedule working on these boots and I have to sleep but there is something very exciting coming next that I've not showed previews of anywhere :) :)



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