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Hi everyone! 

I'm working on a new project, creating "audio comics". For the moment I'm adding audio to some parts of my comics, and the idea is making short videos and sharing them here with all my Patreons.

I've already found a woman to play the giantess parts, she has a beautiful and very feminine voice; but I need a male voice to play the small guys who interact with her.

I need someone with:

- A clearly masculine voice (that doesn't mean that the voice must sound very deep, only that it must be clear that is the voice of an adult man)

- A good English accent and pronunciation (preferably a native speaker)

- Some acting skills (it shouldn't be someone who just reads the text, as if he was reading the grocery list, he should act like the character)

If you wanna help me with this, you can send a private message to me and I'll tell you what you should do.

Those who send me their recordings will get a FREE COMIC of their choice (actually they will receive TWO free comics, since I have to send them the comic that must be voiced).



Ooohh, this sounds like it’ll be very interesting.


Dang that’ll be game changer if you pull this off