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BAD NEWS: Today Youtube randomly decided to cancel my account, without any warning.

After one year creating GIANTESS VIDEOS for Youtube, with more than 1600 subs, they just decided that today they wanted to destroy the whole channel.

They say that the account "has been terminated due to serious or repeated violations of the Community Rules regarding nudity and sexual content"

This doesn't make sense, because there's no nudity on the videos (in some of them there are girls wearing a bikini, but they are not naked), and I don't think my content was more sexual than the one I've seen in many other videos that are allowed in Youtube.

Also, every time Youtube has eliminated one of my videos or thumbnails (because the A.I. thinks there's nudity) I have appealed and they have accepted.

Of course, now I've apealed this unfair decision too, and they decided to mantain the suspension of my account. I protested a second time and now I'm waiting for their answer.

The GOOD NEWS is that I still have all those videos and, if Youtube doesn't restore my account, I'll find another platform to upload them again.

Also, I'm preparing some short animations and I'll share them with you soon!


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