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Hello my wonderful patrons, new and old, and welcome to the update post for this month.

Firstly, the poll. You all really liked the idea of some hyper-pregnancy, huh? Fertile Heritage won in a landslide, so it will be the first to get a chapter. Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead properly, as such I'm not sure I'll have it ready this month. Maybe right at the end for Royal Guard members, but I make no promises.

As for guaranteed releases this month, we've got the following:

Interstellar Reincarnation Chapter 8 - July 7th (it's a bit of a doozy, so look forward to it)

Futa Note Chapter 92 - July 21st (Also a hefty chapter with some fun bits I haven't tried much before)

Interstellar Reincarnation Chapter 9 - July 28th

If you're wondering why there's a gap, that's because I've finally gotten back to work on some commissions. This month will mark the grand return of Amy the Amazon! I'm hoping to have that chapter finished some time around the 14th to fill in the gap. For other people who've been waiting to continue their own commissions, I appreciate your continued patience. I'm hoping to get enough time to maybe focus on just those for a bit, especially as I know a couple that are only one or two chapters away from completion - I can't imagine how frustrating it's been to wait so long.

But please bear with it a little longer. If work goes well this month, I'll look into contacting those still waiting and see what I can do. As long as nothing gets in the way - mental health, tech things, life, etc.

Speaking of tech things, I'm upgrading my pc. Well, more of a side-grade that's more upgradable down the line.

What else is up in my personal life that I can bug y'all with? Hmm... Well, I'm officially non-binary. Okay, not official like changing documents and all that, but I'm using they/them pronouns and liking it so far. Kind of fitting considering all I write about is futanari. So, yeah...

Thanks for reading and supporting my continued depravity!


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