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Hey all. This might not be a super detailed schedule, since I haven't got the chapters uploaded for this month yet, but I am somewhat ahead at the moment, which is a very nice feeling. That said, I don't plan on doing a commission chapter this month. Unless I can get June's releases out of the way early enough. It's better for my mental health. 

The other reason I don't want to do a commission this month is I'm hoping to, finally, get the voter stories in a decent enough state that I can get started on them. Although, I think I'm going to remove one of them (Trans-Demon) to work on separately. It's kind of gone off and grown out into something I'd rather do regularly, rather than once every few months. Does mean there'll only be four stories to vote on, but that's probably for the best.

As for when I think everything will release this month, I think it's safe to say: May 12th, 19th and 26th, not sure what will come out when, so it'll be a surprise for all of us. With any luck I won't completely forget like last month... or upload the wrong chapter. Brain am functioning still.

In other news, I still feel kinda sick. Like not a full on cold or anything, but I've felt congested for months and even got a small cough still hanging around. It's not that bad or anything, but goddamn is it annoying. Hopefully it fucks off eventually.

Well, guess that's everything. Short and sweet, exactly the opposite of how I write most of the time. Thank you all for sticking with me as I try getting this place back into some semblance of order. If I don't have an update on the voter stories, I'll be seeing you all next month. Take care.


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