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Oh man, this month kind of crept up on me. Guess that's what happens with February being short. But whatever, let's get into the stuff. Releases are as follows (For $5 patrons):

March 10th - Futa Note Chapter 86 (a shorter chapter, basically setup)

March 17th - Interstellar Reincarnation Ch. 02 (Lola has a good time at a concert)

March 24th/31st are currently up in the air at the moment. I don't think I'll have four releases for you all this month, since I want to set aside time for the voter stories so they can finally get under way. I'll obviously have a third release, just debating whether that will be Futa Note or Interstellar Reincarnation at the moment. 

Let me know what you'd want to see more down below.

But yeah, as mentioned, voter stories are big priority for this month. I managed to get the biggest draft finished last week. It's definitely gonna outlast the rest and become a new ongoing when Interstellar Reincarnation is finished, just because it's so long and I kind of really want to write it, which likely feed into one another. I'm not going to say which story to avoid giving people a bias.

I've not really been as productive this past month as I'd like, which I wholeheartedly blame on Gundam Evolution, which I've been playing a bit too much of lately. Definitely not blaming my poor impulse control. 

Other than that, things are going well enough. I can't really complain too much, well I could, I'm British it's literally our only claim to fame in the modern era, but it's not anything you wouldn't be exposed to daily through other places. And I don't want to be a downer. Life kind of sucks hard for a lot of people and I want to be at least some form of joy... in exchange for your financial support of course *winky face*.

Was that cringe? I feel like it was cringe. I'm blabbering on now so I'll get out of your hair and get back to works of smut. Take care everyone and thank you for your constant support, it really means so much especially as I get older. If not for you, I'd never have as much time as I have to do this and pursue other hobbies as well. It's easy for me to take it for granted, which is honestly a wonderful position to be in, but I really want to make it known how thankful I am to have you all here.

Love you all... platonically of course. 


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