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So, let's address the elephant in the room. There was no commission chapter last month, well there was, but it's confidential for now and not suitable for patreon. I'm gonna try getting one out for October, but we'll see where things take us.

As for releases:

Unreal Creation Chapter 21 will be available for $5 patrons on the 7th.

Chapter 22, with any luck, will be available on the 14th, however there's a chance it won't be acceptable until the 21st - mostly because it's potentially longer chapter, but we'll see.

There will be chapter 23 this month, as long as nothing egregious happens - like my drives suddenly go up in flames and I lose access to everything etc.

If I manage to get a commission chapter out this month, it will be the one, the only *drum roll* Growing Needs! I'm many of you have been sitting in your chairs, pants down, refreshing every minute in hopes of more multi-dicked, giantess futa centaur content.

As for the anniversary story, I've finished an outline that I'm pretty happy with - and isn't gonna take two or three years to write. I've just gotta go over the growth on a chapter by chapter basis, then it'll be up for your feedback. After that... maybe I get started on it? Maybe not. I still really need to work on the voter stories as well, since they've kinda just fallen to wayside in the pipeline.

If all goes well, I'm planning to at least get the anniversary story into production by next year, probably before, and if all goes really, really well, the voter stories should be added too. As with everything, however, that remains to be seen.

Anyway, have a good October, happy Halloween and all that, and well... sorry for being a bit lackluster with releases. I'll be back in a week or so with another small update for the anniversary story. Until then, take care.



Don't remember if you mentioned it, but when will futanote return? Just curious


It will, just focusing on one story and planning stuff for the meantime