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Hey all, time marches on and now we're in July of 2021... I honestly thought it was still June yesterday. Time moves too fast.

Anyway, here's the (hopeful) release schedule for this month:

Futa Note Chapters 51, 52, and 53 should release on the 9th, 16th and 23rd respectively. Hopefully there won't be any delays, if there are then expect 52 to maybe be pushed back to the 30th.

I'm still working on the planning doc for the next ongoing and, after drafting it like four times, I'm finally happy with it enough to progress so I'm hoping to put that up for $15 patrons by August so they can have an early look and give feedback.

As for commissions, Amy the Amazon comes charging in this month. I might do a random extra commission, but that's up in the air at the moment.

In other news, I've got my first vaccine jab scheduled for Wednesday, July 7th. Luckily, I'm doing pretty good with the writing so I shouldn't be impacted by it release wise. Hopefully won't have any side effects whatsoever... unless it gives me super writing powers, that'd be neat. No wait, it'd be related to writing, therefore it's both a blessing and a curse. Actually, if I did get a writing super power, what'd it be?

Personal note, I found out that I'm under 80kg, which with my height means I'm not overweight for what feels like the first time in my life. It's news I really needed, because there's a bunch of computer stuff that just got revealed that I want but I have to wait for. Oh, woe is me.

Self-improvement is at a standstill regarding drawing and Japanese. Think I said it before, but I fell out of the routine I had and now I can't get back into it. I'll get there eventually though. When I'm like 30 or something, I dunno.

Hope you're all doing good! Stay safe and I'll catch you guys next time I type words on the screen that you read and hopefully like enough to put up with me being a weirdo that sometimes writes smutty goodness.

Okay bye!


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