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And so another month comes and with it, a slew of things to mention.

Quest For Cum Chapter 10 Part 3 will release on the 5th, so look forward to that, it's chock full of cummy goodness.

Now, I'm genuinely not sure how I'm going to do releases this month. The epilogue for Quest For Cum is planned out, but looks like it could turn out longer than intended. I'm definitely splitting it into two parts, since there's a clear difference between each section. I'm still debating if I want to charge for both, or just one so I have more time for other things.

Regardless, I plan on getting the first part of the epilogue out on the 12th. 

Commissions will be a little weird this month. Keywii wants something different from Excessive Chums, which could turn into a bit of a beast on its own, and someone's given me an idea I just might have to do for various reasons that may or may not become apparent as time carries on.

What other things I hear you ask your screen, well... I've been feeling a little... off lately. I'm still writing at a decent pace, however I always get nervous when I start feeling this way so I want to warn you that I might not be as productive, which could mean the one-shot I planned for this month might be pushed back. I could just be overthinking it and nothing will go wrong, but it's good to be prepared.

There's also the change in how I do releases I'm still considering. The Quest For Cum releases thus far have been kind of a test, so let me know if you like the shorter, weekly releases. 

As for the future, I'm thinking I'm gonna take a break from doing two ongoing stories. Not for very long, maybe three or four months, mostly because I want to give Futa Note a push. there's still quite a lot of chapters I've got planned out and I don't want to still be writing it in two years... mostly because I want to rewrite it again in like five years. I'm still planning to do a poll for the next ongoing and get it planned out, just so I'm ready for it.

In the event that the one-shot meant for this month doesn't happen, it will come out in April, I guarantee that, unless something bad happens (like Covid or worse). The second one that tied for first with it, will probably come out in May or June. 

Beyond the feeling off thing, I'm fine. Should just be a blip and then I'll be back to full force. It's probably because I really wanted these awesome fans for my PC, but they went out of stock before I could get them. Such is the life of a PC builder in this decade. It's really annoying though, because they're like the last thing I want to pimp out my build (aside from RGB ram). Although Lian Li announced a new case that's really cool so maybe... I may have a problem.

That aside, I'm still drawing and doing my Japanese studies. I can mostly read hiragana now! Still takes me a while to do so, but it's progress! Gonna be learning katakana next, then some grammar and speech practice while figuring out the shitshow that is kanji. My main goal at the moment is to be mostly fluent by the time I'm 30, and literate by next year.

Drawing wise I've kind of stagnated a little bit, mostly because I'm splitting my time between a bunch of hobbies so that eats into it a lot. I think I'm getting better though, so that's good. And holy crap, I just realised how long this post is getting.

So, yeah, Quest For Cum is wrapping up this month. One-shot bingo story might be delayed to April. Gonna take a break from other ongoing stories to focus on Futa Note (except commissions, they will continue as normal). And I can just about read children fairy tails in Japanese.



When is FN Chapter 43 coming out this month? My reading comprehension skill might be a little off or were you taking a brief break from that as well to do QFC?


Futa note won't be coming out this month, I'm afraid. The plan is to release the last of QFC and, depending on work ethic holding up, a one-shot, along with an extended commission. Futa Note will return in April and it'll be my primary focus until around July or August.