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Hi everybody (now you say 'hi Tosaku!') - if you actually do this, congrats, I'll buy you a cookie if we ever meet.

Quest For Cum Chapter 9 comes out on the 12th.

There will be no Futa Note for February as I'm planning to work on Quest For Cum. Which means Chapter 10 will also come out this month, but I'm gonna try something a little different.

Some may have read my update last month about changing how I release chapters. Basically I'll be doing smaller, more frequent ones. My plan is to hopefully release about 7-8000 words every month for each ongoing story (excluding commissions) - which should amount to about 1 chapter per story every week. There will still only be 2 paid posts a month unless I release a significant amount more content.

As for how I'm doing Quest For Cum chapter 10, I'm thinking I'll release it as like a 3-parter. If all goes to plan, I'll have them coming every week following chapter 9 (19th, 26th etc.)

However, that is dependent on how writing it goes and also on other workloads. I'm also hoping to release a one-shot, however that may be pushed back to March.

The commission release for this month will be Amy the Amazon (not Excessive Chums as I initially thought). I'm hoping to have that out around the middle of the month.

Also, regarding commissions, I think going forward I'm going to work on some changes to how they work. Much as I like working on the current ongoing commissions, with the way things are going, some of them might not finish for several years. That's just too long (looks at Futa Note), and so I think when I finish these batches, I'm gonna choose one and focus entirely on it. I'm leaning towards Growing Needs as that's been in production the longest and actually is closer to a conclusion than the others. Should I make a poll so everyone else can decide?

I've also been toying with the idea of giving the option for a sharp discount on commissions (like 80% off) with the caveat that I can monetise them through here. Essentially, the commission would take a release slot of the month. It might work better honestly, just because more people can commission me without making too big a dent in their wallet and I can devote more time to it. Again, would you like a poll before I make any long lasting decisions?

Lastly, and I'm sorry how long this is getting, I want to do something like a patron-led story. By which I mean, I'll come up with a basic, bare bones story and take a poll before each release to see where people want it to go. I feel like that could be fun and lead to all sorts of wackiness. I'll draft something more concrete before the next ongoing poll comes up.

So yeah, been thinking about a good few things. That's what social distancing for a year will do to ya I suppose. In personal life stuff, I've been doing okay. Not been sleeping well lately, but that just happens sometimes. I'm also upgrading my CPU this week to a Ryzen 5600x or a 5800x, for anyone that knows computers, you know these are like gold right now. I'm also building my best friend his new computer for his birthday too, so that'll be fun. 

I'm still drawing and I've been adhering to my schedule with learning Japanese. I can now read and write a good few words in hiragana. It's not much, but fuck it, I'm proud of that. What have you all been up to? Learning anything new? Discovering yourself in isolation? 


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