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So, to probably no one's surprise, Growing Needs won the poll hands down. Like, the others didn't even get past 10 votes. If I didn't know better, I'd say you guys have a fetish for growing centaur futanari. But that's silly.

In other news, I'm taking a couple of days to myself. By which I mean playing Dragon Quest so I can finish it in time for Kingdom Hearts 3 (HYPE!). After that, I'm gonna start work on my OC's one-shot intro. I'm planning to give several other stories involving her and, presuming I don't fuck up, there should be an semi-serialised feel to it - things will have consequence in other stories, but they'll be mostly self-contained.

The planned release date for that is the 8th of February (at the latest).

Afterwards, I'll be back to Danielle's story. I'll set a tentative release for the 15th. Afterwards, I'll get to work on the first batch of Growing Needs chapters - the second place winner will be worked on after I've published the five chapters. Then it'll be third.

Unrelated news, but I've gone and watched Dragon Ball Super: Broly... I painted the theatre white afterwards. And I didn't have any paint. On top of that, I watched the finale for Steven Universe. This week has been a damn good week for me.

Still drawing, BTW. Still going pretty good. Mostly just gotta get experience. 



Grats on the FP Story Contest win! I thought you and cutecindyhoney were going to tie again lol.


So did I, thankfully someone decided my story deserved the win. I don't know who they are, but god bless them.