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Hello all, here's the plan for this month. Just in case things happen and I can't finish something in time for the Friday, I'll post it as soon as I can and release it to lower tiers each Friday. Maybe a bit earlier since it's the holiday season.

The 7th will be a void week, since I'm still finishing my contest entry. 

The 14th will be Futa Note chapter 18. 

The 21st should be Amy: The Amazon... Usually chapter 5. 

The 28th could be either Danielle chapter 2, or Futa Note chapter 19. I'll decide when I get around to it.

In other news, I'm still drawing. It's going okay, focusing on faces right now. I've been reading a lot more as well, which has led to me getting plenty of ideas for my Ever-Growth rewrite: random recommendation, go read The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks - I'm really enjoying it. I'm doing good emotionally and physically and, thanks to all of you glorious people, financially.

I went and saw Fantastic Beasts 2 and Ralph Breaks the Internet in the past month as well. They're okay. Neither really grabbed me, though. 


Corey Peters

What is the update on other stories???


Everything but those mentioned above are on hold right now until I can get some free time to work on them. Even as fast as I write, I can't do too much in one go without burning out.


Slight change, I'll be doing Danielle chapter 2 first, then working on Amy