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Release schedules shouldn't be believed. Think of them as more a list for what's coming out this month, not necessarily when. That is my B.

I'm currently a story for Plebbles, the amazing artist who did my banner, avatar and a couple other pictures you may have noticed floating around, which has eaten my week (it won't be featured on here due to its content). Once I'm done with that, I plan on dropping myself into Growing Needs, then I'm gonna get started on Futa Note.

As a small aside, I've gone through my planning doc for Futa Note and mapped out my chapters. There's a distinct possibility for 69 chapters of that story. Later chapters (20-25+) will not be anywhere near as slow a burn as what we've got so far.



Oooh another Novel from you. I like it! Did you ever consider potentially publishing Ever Growth on Amazon or anything like that for the longer stories? I've never read any but I have seen erotica stories published on there.


I've considered it, but I've got it in my head that my stories need to be of a higher quality to go up there. And I'm rewriting Ever Growth from scratch, so that's not going anywhere for a while