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Hey everyone, though it'd be nice to give a bit of an update.

The holiday one shot is in motion. I'm hoping to have it done on Christmas Day or a day or two afterwards, but I'm not sure since I had a bad day this week that refused to let me do any work. Or none that I'd feel good about.

Still looking for prompts from any and all patrons. You're not restricted to one either, feel free to offer as many as you'd like.

As for my ongoing stories, I will have a new chapter for them up next month. I'll write until my fingers drop off if I have to.

I also saw the new Star Wars movie today. And I do not see any reason for the hate it gets. I had two gripes with this movie over a 2.5 hour run time, two. That was Finn's side story, which didn't invest me at all really, and a resistance character's action that just seemed pretty dumb to me especially when you learn something about their plan. But then there's shit like learning more about Ben and Rey and Luke, who was exactly as he should've been after everything that happened. By the way, if Luke's personality was as it had been thirty years ago, then that would break one of the biggest rules in story telling; progression. His character has experienced several new things since Return of the Jedi, so of course he won't be the same man as before.

Not to mention how this movie is shot... oh it's fucking gorgeous. And we get some of the best lightsaber action in the series.

If you haven't seen it, don't buy into any of the hate. After all, hate leads to suffering. That's how I see this. The people who want to hate it, will hate it. That's how we're programmed as people. If you want to find evil, it will be found. And that hate just means those people suffer because they miss out on a fantastic film.

Or maybe I'm blinded by the pretty imagery?


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