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This is a story about Amanda that I never finished. So it will be a Patreon-exclusive reward for all you Amanda fans. Enjoy!


Amanda stood up from her chair and arched her back, twisting from side to side until she felt a satisfying crack. A wide smile spread across her face as her hands settled on the convex curve of her abdomen. The thin layer of fat on her belly jiggled with each tap of her black painted nails as she strummed the length of her tummy.

Just as she moved her blue hair out of her face to take a better look at her tummy, it growled at her like a small dog. “Oh, stop it you!” she giggled, giving her belly a hearty slap.

Her desktop computer made a loud beep. She gasped, realizing that she forgot to turn off her stream, or her web camera. She saw an alert that an Uncle Pizza personal-sized Chicago-style meatlover’s was on its way to her apartment. Before she could click the “thank you” button, another alert popped up to let her know a Mr. Fried Chicken tender meal with a large root beer was on the way. She rubbed her stomach, just imagining all that food crammed in there, when yet another alert popped up, informing her that a Lord Meddy lamb shawarma wrap was en route.

“Aww, you guys are so sweet, but you didn’t have to buy me all that.”

In response, an alert for another shawarma delivery popped up.

“Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll eat for you guys.”

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. And just in time too! Amanda had put on a cheap dark fantasy film on which to make commentary while she waited for her food to arrive, but the hunger pains were making it difficult to pay attention to anything.

After a moment she returned to her computer with a thick pan pizza, covered in pepperoni, Italian sausage, and three kinds of bacon. As soon as she set it down the doorbell rang again. This time she returned with her root beer and chicken tender meal.

“Let’s make this pizza extra meaty, shall we?”

Amanda picked up one of the chicken tenders and began to shred it apart, her long, slender fingers making easy work of the fibrous meat. She meticulously coated the already meat-laden fattening dish with the long strips, and licked her lips. The smell was absolutely intoxicating.

A grin spread wide on her face as she took a big greedy bite of the first slice, which was shortly after followed by another and another. She could feel the big chunks of meat sliding down her esophagus, hitting her empty stomach with heavily plops. With the first slice down, she grabbed the second, and decided to do something her audience always seemed to get a kick out of watching her do: force the entire slice of pizza into her mouth. A few rogue chunks of sausage feel from her lips, which she caught and shoved back in there with the rest of the mess. She took a deep breath through her nose and, with a mighty roll of her shoulders, opened her throat and let the whole thing pass right on down.

She gave her tummy a soft pat. “Ooh, gonna need to wash that one down.”

She grabbed her root beer and started taking big gulps of it. She leaned in close, allowing her audience a closer view of the bulging in her throat as the sugary soda made its way down to her stomach.

“Ooh.” She leaned back in her chair and rubbed the top of her soft belly, which was becoming less soft by the second. “I have to burp.”

She sat up high in her chair, gave her viewers a nice view of her profile, and gave her belly a hearty rub. “I wish I had someone here to help me work the bubbles out.”

She received another message alert as a response. More food was on the way. Just then the doorbell rang yet again.

“Oh, you guys are gonna make me so fat.”

Ten minutes later, Amanda sat on her bed with her webcam pointed at her, as she started in on her second shawarma wrap. A big lump of food of meals prior amassed in her upper tummy, a firm bulge that had yet to properly distribute, yet as it happened, was straining against the button of Amanda’s black jeans.

Amanda’s lips opened to take a hearty bite, but the process was interrupted by a loud, staccato burp.

Amanda took a bite and rubbed her stomach. She turned to the camera, her face adorned by wide puppy dog eyes. “You guys are going to make my tummy hurt.”

A big smile washed over her face yet again. “It’s a good thing I just bought some more coconut oil. I will be putting it to good use later.”

Her hand made a long, low arc along the lower curve of her belly, her knuckle brushing lightly against what was currently the greatest opposition to her swelling belly: her closed jeans button.


While I never finished this story, I intended it to end with Amanda laying on her bed, her jeans off, and her big belly rising high above her.

