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I don't even know if 2B can eat or has a stomach, I never played the game. But for the purpose of this animation, she totally can and she totally does.




Androids actually can eat and just choose not to as they don't need it to stay sustained!


A couple lines mention how androids have "unnecessary parts" in order to be a human. Such as a stomach and I believe genitalia. Also another fun fact, 2B does actually eat once in the game. A character called Jackass, yep real name, finds a Mackeral and a diary that says humans used to eat it. So she asks 2B to eat it and find out what happens. 2B promptly eats it, then dies and wakes up on Bunker in next body.


Oh yeah another dumb fun fact. Due to an official crossover/sponsership it is Canon that Androids like Arby's!

Atlas Comix

I love the subtle boop when the hotdog reaches her belly.