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This is Mangia! It's a game about surviving an onslaught of Italian food, based on an extremely rare Atari game. I started it two years ago and put it down, but have recently decided to finish it to give you guys something to play while I work on the next Sophia game.

Let me know in the comments what you all think!



I can't download it?


It's playable in the browser for now because I wanted it to be more accessible. Would you like me to post a downloadable version?


its really good! like your other games, here's what i think about it: So if youre playing to get a high bonus level, the games is really boring because of how slow the meter goes up. The game itself is also a bit too easy. Maybe the difficulty could go up and it would be faster to level up. For example maybe the lady can sometimes bring in 2 plates of food and you'd see her bringing in 2 dishes. Also something to make it more enjoyable would be that your bonus levels would carry over when you restart the game, that would be an incentive to keep playing. since it takes so long to level up, trying again feels like a chore. idk if youre gonna update this, its still really good in its current state i just wanted to give me thoughts. Thank you for this :)


Hmm, I have considered the ability to make Sabrina demand more food, which temporarily speeds up the aunt a bit. I'm wondering if that would make the pacing more interesting, since I agree that waiting around for long can be pretty boring.


is lv10 the highest?

Thomas Olson

what's the "ruder gas" option? I turned it on and think I heard a different burp, was that it?

Thomas Olson

Ah, ok, guess I didn't get that ending, I only got the like not-swimsuit-ready ending or however it was worded


So correct me if I'm wrong, but the 'not ready for swimsuit season' is dependant on bursting being turned off? Is there a way to get that with the option turned on, or are the 'Sabrina gets fat' and 'Sabrina explodes' endings mutually exclusive?


What the dog doing? Joke aside this was a fun time. I like the little detail that she will hiccup after consuming 4 or more plates in rapid succession. I also like the option to toggle "rude" noises. Hope that returns in your future work. I just want to know what is the difference between difficulties because I'm having trouble spotting the difference.


damn your good at making fetish games. or games in general


The only difference is how frequently the dog in the window shows up. There's no reward for playing on a higher difficulty, just something I added to mix things up.


Dope bro! Maybe add the option to remove the music but keep the sound effects?


I think the game is quite hard, even on easy.


I am unable to play the game all I get is a black screen

El Portero

Ok, this was WAY too much fun! The game itself works really well on a technical level, but I'd love to see some more polish to really make it shine. Also, wasn't sure how the Interact option was supposed to work, or if that was even built yet. Overall, I think you've got another hit on your hands, just waiting for it to be sussed up into a true gem.


Speaking of speed, I actually have a criticism I want to address - that being, it's actually quite easy to speed the game along if you simply throw food everywhere so the lady delivers the food in chunks of 3 (sometimes 4) which you can proceed to spam at the window dog. It's a far more efficient strategy than simply waiting for the dogs to come around at the opportune moments. Hell, even the "misses" count towards progress.

El Portero

I finally figured out that the Interact button was something you had to click and hold on in order to activate.


It takes a few seconds to load. If that still doesn't work I'll be posting a downloadable version of it soon.


You hold down the interact button to make it work. As for the polish, what would you like to see added to it? I don't want to spend a tremendous amount of time painting all the art assets because I've got another game in the works that I think people are going to like even more than Mangia and I think my time would be better spent polishing that up a lot. Thank you very much and I'm glad you really like it!


Honestly it does take a little while to figure out the timing of the dogs, yeah.


That is a viable strategy, yeah. The progress bar fills up if you deal with the plates in any way, such as eating them, feeding them to the dogs, or throwing them against the wall.


I love this game, it's really hot. Few questions though: 1. You think it'd be possible to make the characters move more? Y'know, like when her belly's getting closer to popping, her face makes a strained look or her belly gets light blue veins or stretch marks or even starts to rumble? (It'd also be pretty hot if you could see it swelling in the window before exploding) 2. How about digestion as an option every once in awhile or if certain actions are done right? It'd be a decent mechanic to help make it slightly easier, it'd suit the setting and everytime it happens, it adds to her ass, thighs n tits 3. You think you can make it mobile friendly too? Just thoughts. I love your work! Please make more like this


If I go back and remaster it I'll consider these things. For now I'm tired of working on it and want to work on something else.