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I mentioned that I was working on a game involving a fairy chef a few months ago. I decided to put that on the backburner for now while I work on my current project, the Yuletide Sophia sequel I mentioned in the last post.

BUT something neat did come out of it. I ended up making a small SFW game using the same gameplay style as the fairy chef game, which you can check out here: https://chutneybucket.itch.io/fairy-filcher

If any of you guys are interested in my occasional non-fetish projects, let me know what you think! But now that I got that done, it's back to working on fetish games.



I liked it. Yuletide sophia though was what drew me to your page T>T


Glad to hear that. Hopefully within the next few weeks I'll have a playable demo of the Yuletide Sophia demo, which is going very well. It's definitely a much more complex game.


I hope this is an appropriate place to post this, but maybe there could be a small update on yuletide sophia where when you win and she pats/ rubbs her belly.. she could let some burps out?


That is a good idea. I've been thinking of making a version 2 of Yuletide Sophia in which I add a lot more details like that, after I get my current small game done.