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We've been working on this for months, and I'm so happy it's finally coming together enough to where I'm comfortable showing more footage. I wanted to have a trailer done by May 4th to begin building an internet hype (if possible).

Thank you to ALL of you Patrons for helping fund this. It is by far the most ambitious (and expensive) project I've ever done, and I truly could not have done it without your financial support. Devin has been working hard as the primary VFX artist, as well as composing the music for the trailer. We had some other talented VFX artists help out too like Ben Mckinney and Tyler Adams.

I worked with several actors, some of whom I've never met before, voice over actors, and as always, I had a huge learning experience writing and directing the project.

We're still a little ways off from the final thing, but it's coming along! Thank you all for the patience and I hope the final product can bring you some pride that you literally helped getting this made. 

Devin and I are going to make a handful of thumbnails tonight (talk about last minute) for you all to vote on tonight/tomorrow for the thumbnail of the trailer. I hope you all enjoy! 




Holden can y’all react to the 2003 Clone Wars 2D mini episodes


This looks incredible. You really are a jack of all trades on content.

Tessa M


Kyle Hunter

This looks so amazing Holden. I’m really excited to watch. I thought I’d give one opinion, just to see what you think. The logo in the trailer, I feel the font color for the secondary title should be more red instead of blue, as I thought it gave it more of a lighter tone vibe than what was shown in the trailer. Just thought I’d give my opinion.

Darth Mornabin

Impressive, most impressive.


That's so cool. I hope it gets the recognition it deserves

Matt Cook

This looks amazing!!!! The first piece of Star Wars media I have seen in years that gives me nostalgia for the OT! 👌👌👌👌


No wonder this took so long! The visuals are amazing


Wow, great job on the compositing here. In a lot of fan films the jump from the cg to the live action stuff can be jarring, but this looks really well blended, and it’s just the trailer! Love the realistic atmosphere halos around the planets as well👏🏼


Looks great, can't wait to see it