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Glad I was able to get this uploaded a little early this week. Only one more video after this one until we're done with Rebels!


My wife watches Rebels for the FIRST time || Season 4 Episodes 11-13

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Character development for Ezra!? No my man is pretty much the same as he was in S1.


She is my favourite sw character but I would prefer if Ezra couldn't tamper with the past and we saw Vaders and Ashokas final moments together... I'm glad she is back but I'm not a fan of the time travel stuff

James Fletcher

If you remember at the end of season 2 you see Vader walking away and then you see Ahsoka going into a cave type place and at the time no one knew what that meant but after Ahsoka splits from Ezra and goes into another portal they show the same shot so it all connects together so technically the final shot of season 2 happens after this episode


Nah he has changed a lot. He's much more mature now. His sequence at the end of the series finale proves that.


Jen is right....Palpatine was using Ezra as a key to get inside slowly and creepily, that's why Ezra needed to close the door. Palps couldnt figure it out or maybe the Force itself didnt let him in but Ezra as soon as he opened the door, Palpatine sensed them inside and because the door was opened, he used the connection of Ezra to slowly get inside. Now however its closed and Palps lost a VERY powerful tool to use. Just imagine Emperor being able to use such thing. :o


He is more competent a fighter but he still acts the exact same. He is still brash and impulsive. I think compared to Ashoka and even Omega his development as a character isn't nearly as well done. Same with Sabine, she really hasn't changed since Season 1. Compared to Kanan, Herra and hell even Zeb is way more calm and leveled than he was on Season 1. Really don't get the hype behind Ezra, he isn't interesting and Sabine is too perfect, she's way to good at everything

Gavin Mcfadden

“This isn’t the first time they’ve done that, they did it at the end of episode 9” well to be fair, this was two years before that. Also, you do hear Kanan’s voice in that scene during episode 9 ! :D

Darth Mornabin

Well … If I look at Ezra in the first episode: I would never imagine that he would give up the chance to live with his parents again. And therefore do the most selfless thing ever and becomes a good (if not great) jedi per definition. Ezra suceeded where Anakin failed misserably. And it‘s not like Ezra hasn‘t any emotions and bondings like the jedi order wanted. (He sacrifices himself for his friends and home planet.) No, Ezra is able to move on which is very impressive. Ezra shows what many Jedi never had the chance to become due to the flawed codex of the jedi order. At least that‘s my opinion.


Ezra doesn't do anything that I wouldn't expect him to do... he is such a standard character it's embarrassing, every decision he makes is a trope of some kind he even goes through an "evil" phase at the start of season 3. Honestly I thought his parents were dead, no? I genuinely am so not interested in him as a character. Kanan is way more interesting and Ezra activity brings him down. Tbh I just don't like him


Maybe it's because you grew up watching Rebels but I grew up with Ashoka. Who in comparison is far superior and yes it is a fair comparison as Both shows are made by the same team. Even Omega has had more development over 2 seasons of Bad Batch(no spoilers plz)

Jacob Plourde

Ezra going from an immature kid to someone willing to sacrifice a chance to be with his parents then possibly sacrificing his life is one hundred percent massive character development. It’s fine to dislike him, but to say that he’s had no development is ridiculous.

Darth Mornabin

I started watching the star wars shows when The Clone Wars season 1 was premiering. Comparison between Ahsoka and Ezra: I‘d say Ahsoka started way worse than Ezra and became better than him in the end. But I wouldn‘t say Ezra is bad, just because Ahsoka got better. Ezra is still good to me in its own right. But in total: I grew up with Clone Wars, but I would still say Rebels is the better show to me.

Chris Catone

Yeah, it seems like some kind of light-side thing to open it and dark-side thing to close it. I'm assuming that's why he faints like he did in season 1 from using the dark side.


I really don't understand why people like this show. It's a great kids show but oh my life its boring as, no stakes at all. If you thought Kanan was gonna live the whole series then idk what to tell you. Also I sware his family are dead right? Like I do not remember them being alive secretly. He just acts the same. Idk how to explain it better than that he starts out as a brash annoying teen and ends a brash annoying teen... Rebels better than Clone Wars 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Clone Wars is half the reason this show has fans, 25% is Thrawn, 15% blind loyalty to anything sw and 5% the actual show


Was gonna disagree with you but then remembered its the son that moves when it closes so... maybe that's. Maybe only the chosen one can open and close it... bringing the balance like Anikin did on Mortis 🤷‍♂️

Darth Mornabin

Yes, Ezras family is dead. But Palpatine offered Ezra in the finale to return to the past to live with his parents again but Ezra refused. And I really don‘t see an annoying teen in the Rebels finale, when I look at Ezra. I even would rather say, Anakin fits that description in episode 3 way better actually. About which show is better: 1. Yeah, Rebels is the successor to Clone Wars. No wonder, some fans went over from Clone Wars to Rebels. 2. Thrawn and really most of the main villains in Rebels seem like an actual threat to the protagonists. And if I look at Clone Wars: Dooku and Grievous are always escaping and radiate as much danger as a bag of rice. On the other hand, Vader is used sparely and the protagonists always have heavy loses when Vader appears. Even the Grand Inquisitor mostly had the upper hand. Thrawn concered a rebel base, prevented the rebels from gaining their first victory ever … In the end: I don‘t say you have to agree with me. Everyone has different reasons for his opinion. I really don‘t care, if I‘m in the minority with mine. If you like TCW more, good for you. But Rebels is the more interesting show for me in terms of concept, characters and plot.

Jacob Ember

If I may chime in, I don't think it's fair to say that Clone Wars is half the reason why Rebels has fans. I know tons of people both in person and online that think Clone Wars is overrated (minus a few episodes/arcs here and there) and love Rebels. I love both, but I love Rebels because I love the characters, the story, and the worldbuilding. In fact, I began watching Rebels in season one purely because it was new Star Wars content, not because of its ties to Clone Wars (which at that point, it barely had). It is totally okay if you don't like the show, but to say that it is a mystery as to why other people with different opinions like it seems a bit invalidating to all of the creatives who made the show and to the fans that actually do like it. Again, I mean no disrespect (your opinion is totally valid), but just because you don't like Ezra (which is fine) doesn't mean that he doesn't have character development. Comparing his development to other characters like Ahsoka or Anakin is kind of pointless as they are all different people at different stages of their journey going on different paths. Also, in the episodes Holden and Jen just watched, Ezra learns to let go of Kanan and overcome his grief. Ahsoka wasn't going to stop him from pulling Kanan out of the portal. She advised him not to, but ultimately it was Ezra who made the decision to let go (and that's the whole point). The episode ends with Ezra saying goodbye to Kanan, thereby accepting the sacrifice of his master. I don't know about you, but to me, that is character development at its best. Anyways, that's just my take on the matter.


Do you ever just write an amazing speech that would have united the fan dom and made peace across the Galaxy then... you thumb slips and hits "cancel"... 😭😭😭


Anyway, I don't like ezra. A majority of the examples giving for his development seem to come from things and choices he makes within the last half of season 4... that doesn't really support the claim he has alot of development. Also, I think Rebels plays it way safer than cw. Cw matured with its audience, were as Rebels is consistently safe. I think 60% of Clone wars is great and 40% is bad or meh, where as Rebels is like 50/50. Its not an awful show but I just think ezra activity brings the show down. Also I appreciate we haven't resorted to name calling and have kept it somewhat civil, even tho I do tend to say things that would elicit that kind of response 👀

Darth Mornabin

I would say Ezra even has a lot of development in season 1. In the pilot he doesn‘t want to help the ghost crew because of risking getting captured himself. And even though that happened he still has more and more respect for his new teammates wich highlights in his talk with Yoda where Ezra admits he admires what the ghost crew is trying to achieve: Give hope to everybody … To feel alive while Ezra was distancing himself from everyone after his parents got taken from him. About the mature part: Clone Wars started as a show for kids and matured after the demographics showed the viewers were mostly adults. So the show got more and more mature. Rebels knew from the beginning that they would attract different age groups as an audience. That‘s why I feel it‘s easier to get into Rebels than TCW. Because they try from the very beginning, like the original trilogy, to appeal to everyone. I get where you‘re coming saying you don‘t like Ezra. He also has his bad moments. But I personally think the good parts way overweight the bad ones … About our conversation in general: Yeah, we hold it pretty civil I‘d say. 👍🏻

Chris Catone

forgot to mention it yesterday but thanks for dropping it early. That added extra fun!


Ye I don't like when sw fans start screaming at each other. I just don't like Rebels, I am extremely bias toward cw, I rated every episode and Season of each show and both got a 7/10 but I personally would give cw a 9/10 and Rebels a 4/10. Both objectively good shows but I really dislike Rebels


If you are curious: 1. CW Season 4 (9/10) 2. The Mandalorian Season 2 (8.5/10) 3. CW Season 5 (8/10) 4. The Mandalorian Season 1 (8/10] 5. CW Season 6 (8/10) 6. CW Season 7 (7.5/10) 7. Bad Batch Season 2 (7.5/10) 8. CW Season 3 (7/10) 9. Rebels Season 2 (7/10) 10. The Bad Batch Season 1 (6.5/10) 11. Rebels Season 3 (6.5/10) 12. CW Season 2 (6.5/10) 13. Rebels Season 1 (6.5/10) 14. Rebels Season 4 (6.5/10) 15. Book of Boba Fett (6/10) 16. CW Season 1 (5.5/10) only do it after watching a show at least twice so, not got round to Andor or Kenobi yet

Jacob Ember

Hey guys, I hope my response didn't come off as uncivil. I promise that was not my intention. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this back and forth. Star Wars might have a fandom problem in some areas, but if anything, this conversation shows that we can agree to disagree about things related to it and still be respectful to one another. Anyways, thanks for the enlightening discussion.


Nah as always you good my guy 👍. I just like acknowledging and thanking people when we keep shit civil. Sorry if you felt I implied you weren't

Kyle O'Sullivan

World Between Worlds ties in so much. It brings together that the only person to turn Vader back to Anakin was his own blood in his son. Ahsoka says “you can’t save your master, and I can’t save mine”. Obi wan cut off one half of his mask and tried to get through but failed. Ahsoka cut the other half and failed. Luke was the only one to rid him fully


Return of the Jedi, its one if the lesser known sw films


The only thing about this that makes me sad for how y'all saw this moment after watching the Mandalorian. For the longest time it was insinuated that she died at the end of season 2. Obviously, it was later revealed she survived because of Ezra. That's why it makes me sad that you two watched the Mandalorian first. You went into it knowing that Ahsoka survives since the Mandalorian happens later chronologically. That also made easily the biggest moment in that Mandalorian episode not as impactful too where Ahsoka says, "where is grand admiral Thrawn." Where I was losing my absolute mind that she said that you guys unfortunately was like "who's Thrawn." Just unfortunate timing.


I can understand the notion that "animation is for kids" since most animation is targeted towards that audience. I hope that when y'all complete rebels you guys will try to not discredit movies or shows because they are animated. Animation offers so much more to every type of audience than just kiddy bullshit. That'll be even more clear if and when you watch the Bad Batch because that show has very serious and dramatic story telling for the most part.


This will be a long one about my theories on "The World Between Worlds". Here is my current understanding of it: For me "The World between Worlds" works like "TimeTravel" in Harry Potter, the Book-Version I don't know what they did with the Play (or Dark if somebody has seen that show), meaning everything has always happend. You can't change the timeline, you can just travel through but that will already be considered in the current events. Of course, it will still be desirable to get into the World between Worlds because Characters in the Universe don't know about the Future (not like we as viewers) and would still like to change things at multiple points at the same time and therefore influence the Future, but generally what is Canon now can't be changed when a Character goes into the World between Worlds, it can only be explained (like the end of Season 2 of Rebels was explained in this Episode). That is the reason I think this is the case when it comes to keeping Canon intakt and not making StarWars to complicated and full of plot-holes. Here comes the in universe explanation: This one hinges on the idea that THE FORCE is there to keep balance and that the World between Worlds is a manifestation of the Cosmic Force, the part of the Force that encompasses time and space. Naturally the World between Worlds would then be a bridge between different places and times BUT if you do use this bridge it changes nothing about the time or space you go to since in terms of Cosmic Force there is no Time and Space keeping events apart (as pretty obvious because of how the World between Worlds works). So, when you travel to a different time/space, it is simply like you would travel in the normal world just that boundaries of Space and Time no longer exist. Right, now the last problem: Paradoxes! My personal believe is, that because the World between Worlds is based on the Cosmic Force which is Time and Space (and holds both in place) you simply can't create a Paradox. Remember: The force keeps balance and structure so it would be very strange if a manifestation of the Cosmic Force would allow for a Paradox to be created (the exact opposite of balance and structure). The only problem here is of course that Ezra could have created a Paradox in Rebels if he would have saved Kanan (and killed himself in the process). Here are the two explanations I personally think are reasonable: 1. The simple HE DIDN'T DO IT. The Cosmic Force showed him the event and he didn't create the Paradox because of Ahsoka reminding him that loss is needed. Because the Cosmic Force is a force of Nature there doesn't need to be a limit or some sort of barrier. If it is a natural rule that you can't create Paradoxes even if you have the opportunity you simply can't create them. Something will always interfere (like Ahsoka did in this case). You simply can't explain some natural rules. 2. The vision was not real but in fact created and produced by Palpatine so that Ezra reaches through giving him entrance to the World between Worlds because, as we later see with the flames, in order for him to enter he needs to connect with a person inside and the Lothal Temple will not allow him to enter because you need to use the light side of the force to enter the World between Worlds from that Gateway (I am sure there are others, some maybe needing the dark side or even "the middle"). I find this a pretty good theory, especially because Palpatine appears in the same gateway as Kanan was only moments ago and while we don't know much about the World between Worlds yet, I find it quite hard to believe that a gateway can simply change it's connected place and time. The only thing that is a bit strange would be how Palpatine can do something so powerful but not enter the World between Worlds itself BUT we also know Palpatine is a master of deception so this would be a power he would be very interested and skilled in. Lastly I wand to point out the Mortis-Gods and their different uses in controlling the gateway. Starting with the basics: The 3 are symbols for the 3 directions of the force: Light (Sister), Dark (Brother) and "the Middle" (Father). What is really interesting is that for the Gateway to open in this Temple you needed to connect with the Sister and therefore use the Light side of the force (the map glowed Golden/Light). This is very good for us as no Sith could have entered the Temple, even if they understood what they needed to do. I want to point out that Ezra had no problem opening the gate after concentrating a bit. Now, when Ezra closed the gate he needed to interact with the Brother and therefore use the Dark side of the force (the Map glowed Red/Dark). He did actually managed to pull it off BUT he was so drained from that effort that he passed out shortly after and was probably gone for several hours, considering the Time changed from Night to Day. This to me shows that over the past 2 seasons he has distanced himself more and more from the Dark Side (since the beginning of Season 3) and has truly become a Light-Side Force-User (no Jedi of the old order just like Ahsoka, since he was never knighted by Kanan). What is even more interesting when thinking about this is however the possibility of somebody being in Ezra's position who never had contact with the Dark-Side of the Force. Such a person would probably not have been able to close the gate fully, giving the Emperor a possible entrance into the World between Worlds. Even powerful Jedi like Obi-Wan and Yoda would not have been able to do so since they never connected with the Dark Side and have no experience in using it. Ezra used it extensively in the Past and even he had problems with it. As you can see, Ezra was basically the perfect person to have interacted with this specific gateway into the World between Worlds in order to keep the Emperor out. Oke, that was my comment. I hope you got through it (WorldBuilding like this is why Rebels is my favorite animated StarWars show) 😅

Jason Tomerlin

The first time the Wolf said Kanan's Birth Name was Actually Future Kanan's Force Spirit Animal as a Symbol of Kanan's Death was coming soon that is Why Kanan had a certain facial realization when he was standing on that Fuel storage it dawned on him that the Wolf was His Future self and that it was his time to let go and die