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We're Moving



Would it be ok the make an announcement about this on reddit or do you want to keep this patreon only?

Akash Rajan

Congrats Holden! Definitely sounds like this makes more sense and looking forward to great things for your channel ahead. Btw any update on when you may be uploading the ep of Clone Wars to Patreon?


Moving to a new place can be so exciting! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible with the rest of the moving process!


Yeah! We filmed the first arc we were coming back to. I just haven't had the chance to edit it yet. We're planning on filming 1 to 2 more arcs before this weekend. I'll be working on them and will get them on Patreon ASAP

Jamie Tartt

Congrats! Wanted to ask if you plan to react to the Ms.Marvel trailer? Next MCU series after Moon Knight

Dave A

Good luck with the move! Hopefully your new place will have better Internet providers available, I know that's been a huge thorn in your side for a long time.


Looking forward to kingsman 2