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Hey everyone! MFW WandaVision episodes 4&5 will be up for Producers and above later today. It's gonna be a good one! 

I'm currently editing the next MGFW Clone Wars and wanted to run this by you guys. I'm concerned about the volume of producing these videos consistently enough to retain interest in it. Clone Wars, from my understanding, has highs and lows. 

What would your thoughts be on Jen and I recording several MGFW of Clone Wars but waited to release them until we had a batch ready to go. So you could wait a month, and then have an entire week of MGFW Clone Wars every other day, or currently having an episode from time to time. I suppose I could still release them early for Patrons regardless, but as far as making them publicly available. 

Just let me know what you think!

Also, I think I'm going to independently review episode 6 of WandaVision with Jeremy. I just don't think I can wait 2 weeks to watch it and talk about it! We'll still have a MFW for episode 6 and 7, so this would be more of a review than a reaction. 


Gavin Mcfadden

I think reviewing it in batches is a very good idea. It’s a very big show so big releases will make it easier for you and for the audience. Also means less Time of the audience having to tell you and Jen” wait, it gets better”

Rik Johnston

I know that there’s a lot of clone wars, so pace yourself and do them in a way that isn’t going to burn you out. Quality over quantity.


I was wondering how you were going to pull off so many videos with that many episodes. Waiting is fine with me.


I like it.


I think that’s a great idea, Holden. It certainly would help mitigate the crunch you have to endure for yourself which sucks and we wouldn’t want you to feel pressured or burned out. I’d be down to see the change if it aids you in the long run. Count me in :)

brad fedick

I think stockpiling clone wars is a great idea. A discussion with Jeremy is never a bad idea.


I think waiting a month or so for a solid lineup of clone wars would work


Sounds good 👍


I think it would be smart to save up a couple of arcs or episode of Clone Wars. But instead of once a month for one week I belive twice a month with 2 times every two weeks would be better!


I agree with the others here. Saving them up in batches for public release will be the way to go. Can't wait to hear the thoughts on Episode 6 of WV from you and Jeremy!

Marius Speider Sørum Moe

It's a series that came out a while ago. Clone Wars reactions are allright, but I am personally not in the slightest interested in reaction videos for every episode. Yes, please do them in batches.


From a consumer stand point yes however if i’m looking it from ur perspective from a business standpoint just do one or two a week. it keeps us coming back for more. especially if it’s always on a certain time of day like ur my friend watching it will always be something for us to look forward to every week until u are done with it. that’s why I love blindwave they do something similar to that


or 2 a week maybe if u want to keep the interest more like a tuesday and thursday plus that way u have more videos a week


That is a pretty good idea... you could also, and HelloGreedo did something similar, do something like watching individual Clone Wars arcs? And upload each arc at a time?

Jake Leffler

Yea I agree there are a lot of clone wars episodes and they aren't super relevant as far as content goes. I would do a selection of the best ones and maybe we vote on which ones you watch per season.


Sounds like a good idea, We can wait for sure. Don't get burned out. Maybe do some one offs to keep yourselves from burning out too.

Benjamin Segura

Yeah clone wars can wait until you have a bunch, I am curious to see how you handle wandavision with Jen since episodes coming up are so spoilerish lol

Quinten Shibusawa

Releasing in batches sounds like a solid idea.


Yes, a week straight of Clone Wars in about a month sounds much better than one episode of Clone Wars weekly. I do agree that Clone Wars at the start had some lows, but past mid-season 3, then you will see so many highs


I personally think one arc a week would be best. Keeps everything consistent. I think releasing a bunch in one week might be overkill


Any way of releasing The Clone Wars would be fine with me. And release your Wandavision review with Jeremy soon, I can't wait for episode 6 either, I've seen both, episode 4 and 5 four times already, it's so good! Also, do you think that Wanda just erased the "beekeeper" S.W.O.R.D. agent from existence at the end of episode 2?

Jeremy Kramer

Especially early on in the series, giving yourself some "float" in terms of scheduling your content is a VERY good idea. Otherwise, managing the viewer interest curve will be backwards (less interesting content early on, and by the time the 'good stuff' arrives, there's less viewer investment). Your idea of rapid-fire eps stays engaging, but with flexibility.


Hiya Holden, first time commenter here. Love your stuff! I also worry that a long deep dive on clone wars would hurt the interest from your audience. A short burst sounds good, so that it doesn’t appear to drag things out on less popular content. But yeah, keep up the great work, From an Aussie Fan 👍🏻


Hi Holden! I think releasing it in batches is a smart idea. I've watched some other YouTubers attempt to do reaction series the Clone wars and pretty consistently the ones that continue are the ones that release it in batches whereas the others fall off really hard. Also just as some encouragement, Even though season one is hit or miss, the show is actually really good in season two, I don't think anyone can point out a bad episode. The reason people tend to lump season two in with season one is because the truly memorable episodes don't start till season three, but the show is actually very good in season 2 before that point, though you really don't see much of that good stuff in the first season. I also think the reason why people always point to season three is where it gets good is because that's where they want to see your reactions to most from those episodes. Pretty consistently I've observed with most reactors is that season two is the season that hooks people. but i think it's true that there's a lot of episodes in season one that people hope you can get through that are just okay. I'm not sure how you could do this but I think people's attention would stick if you could get through the first season faster because season 2 is when you're most likely going to have the most fun and therefore we will have the most fun watching! One other idea is to just watch the first half of season one in one video and the second half in another or group multiple arcs into one video, I'm not sure if you'll want to do that but you'll get to the stuff people want to see you react to faster. Sorry for all the text! i had more to say then i realized


Taking into consideration you are watching them in plot chronological order, I believe the batches of arcs are your best option. If you were to go by release order (you know I did, and will again forever xd) then I'd suggest batches of season, one season at a time, so if by that analogy you have batches around 20 episodes each or corresponding to exact number of episodes one batch per one season (however many arcs that covers) you would have a consistent and coherent upload series...


I’m maybe one of the few who is not as interested in the clone wars, totally get that others want to see it though, but selfishly, whichever route doesn’t overtake all your content for a long time would be my preference lol