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Your unique miscreated.BodyBundle.51.var should now have been delivered by the mail-server to your patreon registrered mail to all Golden/Ultimate supporters.

In case you're a new supporter, please have patience while the build-server creates your package. Usually you will receive it within 15 minutes.

General Bundle Update Info

I needed to do major refactoring of the relax code to be able to  maintain and push out regular updates of this important plugin. It's now  divided in three smaller plugin files. Relax with body control and morph expression. GazeManager will scan the  surrounding for point of interests. Eyelid manager only takes care of  the eyelids. Final result is improvement of all the features.  There are three different eyelid-modes available. The default  eyelid-engine is based on new morphs from VL_13. The original relax-plugin still contains a procedural morph-engine but  it will now also support external morphs.  Check out the path in Saves/PluginData/miscreated/MorphTemplates for a simple template.

Added a VAP-to-Muscle converted in the Freeze plugin. You can now add your own poses by just select VAP-poses in your VAM-archive. Hope it  will be easy for you to create interesting ReAnimations as well.

Finger pose sliders is now available in muscle manager. ReAnimator already support finger-movements but I hope this will make it easier for anyone to add finger-motions to the animations.

Looking forward to bring out more and new interesting features to the table!

Release notes v.51

ReAnimator 3.2.1

  • Animation loading fixed

Relax 6.0.1

  • Male character bugs fixed
  • Disable missing morphs

Release notes v.50

UI Manager v4.99

  • Much should be prepared for a shared body-bundle-canvas but it's still not 100% functional. Probably next release.
  • More Size-buttons: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, 300%, 400% and 500%
  • Default buttons added for all sliders
  • Simplified/Improved UI positioning and scaling (At least for desktop users)

Relax v6.0 (Beta)

  • Relax contains now of three plugins, Relax, GazeManager and EyelidManager
  • Support for any morphs. Put config files into Saves/PluginData/miscreated/MorphTemplates/
  • Moved all Relax templates to Saves/PluginData/miscreated/relax
  • Gaze & Eyelid manager attached automatically when loading Relax
  • Ancient bug while holding down control and pressing left mouse button fixed!

Gaze Manager v1.0

  • Improved the engine and fixed gaze-related bugs
  • Added new Point of interests.
  • One new linked target for face rigs
  • Special: Always look at the eye-target
  • Look at camera rig fix

Eyelid Manager v1.0

  • Updated user interface
  • Internal VAM eyelid-engine
  • Improved eyelid-engine (Based on the same as previous Relax-plugin)
  • A new eyelid-engine based on morphs from VL_13 (Default)

Muscle Manager v2.4

  • Added muscle control for individual fingers (Including the mirror feature)
  • Force Limit added to the Flexibility editor
  • Added new actions: SwitchLeftRight & SwitchLeftRightQuick (Shortcut: Ctrl + Tab)
  • Included Soft-Flex templates from Albert

Freeze v1.4

  • Simple import and use of thousands of VAP-poses!
  • Elbow mirror fixed
  • Alt-key shortcut for mirror

ReAnimator v3.2

  • Individual fingers filter added
  • Filter bug fix (More)

Motion Manager v1.6.4

  • Drag and angular bug fixed

Rope v6.1.1

  • Ancient bug while holding down control and pressing left mouse button fixed!

Sub Motion v3.1.1

  • Torque UI bug fix

New Video Showcase: YouTube ReAnimated - Pose Master

Quick Download links

Example scenes:


Quick-link to older var-files dependencies for new users:





Patreon links

Previous Patreon-Link to Scene download (V49) 

Patreon-Link to Leather Cuffs download

Patreon-Link to Leather Cuffs download

Patreon-Link to Freyia download

Static Patreon Post where you can find all downloads of var-dependencies

Overall information at Miscreated Reality

You will be able to find more overall information and you can get a quick overview of all the plugins on the website www.miscreatedreality.com (Hosted by Google)

Rope - Relax - ReAnimator

Relax - ReAnimator - Balance

Freeze - Muscle Manager - Pose Camera

Detailed information at YouTube, Discord & Twitter

Check out my complete YouYube playlist for inspiration of how to use the plugins - Miscreated Reality on YouTube

Follow @miscreatality on Twitter, it helps!

If you have questions, follow the progression or want to contact me in more details you are welcome to join my discord server Discord Invite to Miscreated Reality

Best regards,





Finally 😁


sweet, I'll keep an eye on my inbox. Stoked to try this version out


I received it as an attachment. I downloaded it, saved the .Var file to VAM/addons. I got error messages when I "unpacked it". No files migrated to saved/scenes. What did I do wrong? I am not a computer expect.


I might have missed to link the scene-var-file - I will add this to the post! https://www.patreon.com/file?h=57503758&i=9133987


just resubbed i'll keep an eye on my inbox

coco 018

I encounter the same problem, ReAnimator is not working


Got same problem. Reanimator is broken and I have to use an older version.


Not working for me, either, FYI.


Thanks for the report! We have discussed this in the #reanimator channel (https://discord.gg/YswKunYd) - Update prepared and should be sent out to all who received the V50 bundle.


downloaded v51 and it's working. Thx. for update.


Hi, I'm new to VaM so I'm not familiar with the controls yet. I'm using VaM in desktop mode in Windows 10. When I apply the Body Bundle plugin to a Person atom, the cursor/pointer changes from a typical Windows arrow cursor/pointer to a tiny dot which is difficult for me to see. Is there any way to change it back to an arrow, or at least increase the size so I can see it more easily?


still have not gotten it


I have paid $10 on Patreon in 2022/02/13. I didn't get miscreated.BodyBundle.51.var from email. Could you tell me how to get it?


I find it in my email. Thank you.