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Body Bundle V43 - A New Rope (VI)

Download links should be available in your patreon registred email-box from  miscreatality@gmail.com. It's interesting that I also have developed a complete software package I can use for spamming my patreons ;)

Release notes:

Rope 6.0

  • Static bars for wrist/ankle and side cuffs, spawn distance configurable
  • Improved the flexible cuffs
  • New unlit shader for the materials
  • Configurable length of the ropes. Make the ropes stronger and less flexible
  • Separated Load/Save for Rope calibration
  • Quick buttons - Drop/No Ropes/Restore - More details in the tooltip
  • Rope loading improved
  • Fixed some bugs and problems with the legacy chains
  • User Interface improvements
  • Careful lifting when loading templates
  • Keep the rope colliders above ground
  • Some calibration templates included
  • New rope templates found in the Misc folder
  • Generic bug hunting and fixing

SubMotion 3.0

  • Premiere for a new Perlin Noise movement type. This will be useful for multiple tasks for sure
  • Several bugfixes regarding the motion and rotational movements

UI Manager 4.8

  • Many fixes and tweaks but mostly internal preparation for alternative UI menus!

In case you are a new patreon user, please have some patience because my plugin delivery system is still in alpha. You will get an email with the included software within 20 minutes at most. If you don't receive the mail, please send me a message.




Thanks boss! Just got my mail, looks like I will be having some VAM fun later :D


how can I download it ?


i didn't register for the mail how to do it ?


You should have received the email at 18th August. If not, please let me know and I will send it again.


Hey, brother, two weeks later I have not received 4.3


hi can you resend me the email please


Received thank you


hi, I didn't receive any email, can u resend it?


Welcome! I was working on the V44 and the V43 was temporary offline. You should have received the V43 mail now.


Received, thanks! :D