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Release notes for v26:

Cuffs, Rope & Chain Lifters 3.3

  • Moved Cuffs and Tangled Lifter visibility settings to a SubMenu in Cuffs & Links
  • Extended with even more sub menus
  • New Params: CuffColliderTimer, CuffSphereColliders on/off, VisibleTangledLifterRopes On/Off, VisibleTangledLifterSpheres On/Off, SpawnOffset,
  • Improved Tangled lifters (Prevent spawning inside objects)
  • Spread and Narrow buttons fixed
  • Fixed several Load/Save related bugs

Balance 2.1

  • Added Slider for walking turnspeed
  • Improved/Fixed bad root transform

Relax 3.1.1

  • Balance and Submotion disabled when Unconscious

Release notes for v25:

Balance 2.0

  • Procedural Walking - Speed, Step Height, Step Bow, Feet Dist, Feet Angle
  • Import and automatically fix bad VAM poses  (Reposition the root to lowest foot position)
  • Stand player height fix
  • Configurable balanced control points
  • Reworked menu splitted into multple sublevels. Most advanced parameters is hidden deeper down in the menu structure
  • Control points reworked
  • Optimizations
  • Configurable masses for limbs
  • Configurable Random Pose button
  • Save and load
  • Added external actions (Can be triggered by another plugin, event or button etc.): ActivateBalance, DeactivateBalance, StartWalking, StopWalking, RandomPose, Home, StandUp, RepairBadRootTransform
  • Included walk style templates: Dance-In-Place, Dance-Small-Steps, Drunk-Walking, Easy-Dance, High-Feet, Jerky, Slow-Backwards,Slow-Walking-High-Heels, Walk-In-Place


Video for pre-release: https://youtu.be/S8sUm2n6v4g  and https://youtu.be/f-v3Lov-6oA 

SubMotion 1.0

New plugin to create perlin noise generated physical movements (No muscle movements!) - This was created to give your character more lifelike movements when you have the balance plugin enabled but it can be used for more use cases.

  • Generic force and torque settings
  • Individual settings of force and torque for all body parts, grouped into Body, Arm & Leg parts.
  • Save and load features
  • Included motions templates: Default, Random Movements, Random Twitch, Random Walking


Muscle Manager 1.2

  • Simplified the UI even more. The mirror function hides the redundant controls.
  • Improved Spine muscle controls
  • Muscle pose is restored when loading and saving the scene
  • Muscle poses corresponds much more to the original VAM controls
  • Some minor bug fixes


Video for 1.0: https://youtu.be/fEBfAH-PQVQ 

Cuffs, Rope & Chain Lifters 3.2

  • Separated Tangled Lifters and Old Lifters to avoid confusions and bugs
  • New UI layout (More sub menus)
  • Separate UI for tangled lifters to avoid confusion
  • Load Chain Links bug fix
  • Show/Hide rope in Cuffs/Tangled lifters bug fix
  • Show/Hide Tangled/Cuffs manacles bug fix
  • Optimizations


Video for 3.0: https://youtu.be/JlcnmkBieLc 

Relax 3.1

  • UI: Common parameters more visible
  • Eye Size calibration fix and improvements


Video for 3.0: https://youtu.be/VL0xrrZbi04 

UI Manager 2.4

  • Change world scale to 50%, 100%, 200% with buttons
  • UI Scale bug fixed when world scale was changed
  • Left/Right handed property in original UI as well to simplify the use one controller

There might be more, undocumented updates. You can read more in the discord channel

Also included:

Visualizer 1.5


Floating 1.6


UndoRedo 1.0.1


Motion Manager 1.6


+ Templates for Balance, SubMotion, Pose, Muscle and Relax

Example scenes included:

Balance A girl with balance plugin attached, the pose camera is put into the BalanceInteration mode to make the interaction easier - Only grabbing the controllers that are used)

Dance-In-Place Same as above, with some movements

Open Area Really old, a girl hanging in lifters)

Pool Area The girl is cuffed. You can drag her into the pool and watch her swimming around

Tangled-Desktop A girl bound up with the tangled ropes and the other girl is walking in place. Window Camera for posing (M button)

Tangled-Walk-Desktop A girl bound up with the tangled ropes and the other girl is walking in place. Window Camera for posing (M button)

Tangled-Walk-VR A girl bound up with the tangled ropes and the other girl is walking in place. Same as above but a bit optimized for VR and no pose camera plugin. Both UI attached to left wrist.

Hope you will enjoy this as much as I do. I will follow up later this month with a new plugin for muscle motions: Re-Animate

Download latest post link:





nice really looking forward to muscle animation.


Just to be sure I understand, it is all under the same VAR file? Because the different functions all have the same file name.


Yes, it's all in one bundle to make it easier for you. You can then attach different cslist files to the persons if you want only part of the plugins. balance.cslist for example is only balance+submotion+visualizer


Three plugins updated in the release. You can read more in the release notes above.


Impressive work; captivating to see the motion result using the balance plugin.


I'm having trouble making floating or swimming work. Is there a tutorial video or something? She just makes a few hand a leg moves nothing even close to swimming.


Thanks. I'm still working on getting it to work in my own scene, but using yours worked. And the Video is helping


What am I missing? Seems very "uncanny valley." Am I doing something wrong?