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Some WIP and Patreon update

  • Yay! Another silent Discord Server with rare sketches and texts, I'm in! 4
  • Nah, I'll probably forget about it anyway~ 0
  • 2024-01-27
  • 4 votes
{'title': 'Some WIP and Patreon update', 'choices': [{'text': "Yay! Another silent Discord Server with rare sketches and texts, I'm in!", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Nah, I'll probably forget about it anyway~", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 27, 21, 28, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 4}


Hi! The update part first, the WIP picture and a couple more ideas are latter.

TL;DR Still no exclusive content, two tiers are basically merged into one.

1) Since the late 2019, when I launched my Patreon page, I didn't change anything in the membership tiers. My Patreon isn't a significant part of my income at all, but it's still very pleasant to see your support. Small number of Patrons makes things kinda personal :3

I found out that there is nothing I feel right to paywall at the present time. The only thing I can make exclusive is posts like this, and it was disturbing for me that at the beginning I made a decision to separate such things (WIPs and various ideas posts was offered to the second tier). They are already rare enough, so there is no sense in further separation, as well as in making it kind of a selling feature for the higher tier.

I revised the benefits to bring them into line with reality. I can't offer anything exclusive, and even WIPs and posts about personal ideas are pretty much occasional and rare. I aim to put more work into my personal drawings, but still can't give any promises.

So, according with the new descriptions, Patreon subscription is a way to express your support. Small though, it's still valuable just by it's fact, and helps me to pay for a couple of my own subscriptions :3 There will be occasional posts of upcoming drawings, some sketches or anything like this, but while the most of my works are paid commissions, the only thing I can promise on regular basis is high resolution versions, and my gratitude to everyone who decided it's worth to support what I'm doing here and in my other galleries~ WIPs and any other kinds of posts will be available for both tiers of supporters. Feel free to change the level of your subscription if this was a significant part (and I'm sorry for fulfilling it so poor).

2) Here come some kinky pictures~

I work on a picture of subby 2B undergoing some innovative android procedures, wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm trying some fancy stuff on her :3 (well, it's just some simple frame-changing animations, but it's a big deal for me)

And another picture of cute Emily being handled by her Mistress, assisted by another girl~

There are some pictures and sketches of these girls in my storage already, so here is another thought (and a question) - will it be interesting for you to see some more details about them, my other stories ideas and anything like this? 

My idea is to make a Discord Server where I can post some of my ideas, anything unfitting to the main galleries an so on. Again no promises on activities, I'd rather give a promise that it'll be pretty quiet. Again, I can't offer anything exclusive for my supporters, and probably in reverse it will turn Patreon purely into an act of support.

Thank you for the reading! And feel free to share your thoughts~


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