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I had a bunch of different concept drawings of both Kay and Nix, but I finally sat down and drew definitive sheets for both of them. I really needed to get all their reference stuff in one place, I kept having to look at multiple sources of concept art. Things changed between concept pieces so I had to constantly remind myself what stuff I used and what stuff I didn't use in them. I didn't even have a real answer as to what Kay's shoulder patterns look like in the back!

Also, the characters have changed in small ways just from getting to know their personalities and drawing them a lot. So it was nice to get reference drawn that looks like how I want to draw the characters now.

And lastly, In the attachments I've put two extended versions of these sheets that shows the characters without clothes on. I personally like having something I can point to for what these character's bodies look like. Especially when it comes to representation of non-binary characters. There is no reason anyone HAS to know what they look like, and it's not important for the story. But if anyone wants to know what body type representation I'm doing with Nix is, I want to be able to point at this official source as the answer. And know that Nix is perfectly happy with how they look.




Genetically goth is a marvelous turn of phrase.

