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I hope you've enjoyed the pages so far, and right away you might notice something different on this one!

Well, if you look back now you'll see that I've updated EVERY page of Nix in the "Early Pages" tag so far to have shaded screen tones! I tested this out with Chapter 4 and presented it to my editor, and they agreed it was the right direction to go. So, now I've gone back and added this screen tone shading to all the chapters to make them all fit together.

Have fun looking at the updated art! I'll be updating the website to have these new pages soon as well!



Stuart Telfer

Oh nice! I compared this to the same page in the pdf I can clearly spot the differences. The shading looks cool!



Commander Bojac

Love the contortion in the body of the guy getting hit, really makes the hit look brutal

Robert L

Those feathers whenever Nix uses their powers are interesting.