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Commander Bojac

Oooh, that’s a fun perspective in the last panel!

Some Ed

Why do so many people seem to think that they can threaten someone enough to get them to accept being beat up or worse? If you take away all of the avenues of escape you're aware of someone having and threaten them enough, they're either going to find an escape route you didn't think of / refused to contemplate or fight back with the fury of desperation. Here, the escape route Nix will be taking is basically perfect for someone in such dire straights. I mean, it's not like these idiots will follow *there*. That said, it's a foolish route for anyone to take who is either not as desperate as Nix or doesn't have plot armor. Given that this is just chapter two, Nix presumably has both so I'm sure they'll be fine.


you went on for a paragraph about a false premise, they aren't trying to threaten nix into accepting anything, it is simply a form of mocking.