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Another pre-launch page for you all! And I know it's always gonna be a problem no matter what, but clarifying here that Nix is non-binary (like myself), and is referred to as they/them in the comic.




I forgot the Lydia art included this world has giant cats

Joshua Wolfe

WHAT?! Is Mom a superhero or a fighter from the Tournament of Power? Is that cowboy riding a giant cat? This comic looks like fun.

Anne Welborn

Figured out that Nix was non-binary already, but it's nice to have it conformed.


Big kitty!

Some Ed

Thanks for the pronouns. My apologies for my mistake earlier.


Really bad day for Nix

Stuart Telfer

Watching this page be drawn was fun =) Still love the riding cat

Some Ed

Probably. I mean, we've barely gotten to know them yet. It's conceivable that this could be typical for them. Still, most stories start out near the start of a particular point of stress in the protagonist's life.


Wonderful work and hey if you ever need a colorist, I’m always open.