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Early Access is back baby!

Nix of Nothing is expected to launch November 1st! So I'm gonna start feeding out pages to Patreon! (Since the launch will have several pages available to read from the start)

Sorry for the wait! There was lots to figure out and getting the launch settled finally even caught me a bit off guard. But I'm planning on showing  you two of the first pages this weekend. Hopefully these batches will mean when the launch happens we'll be all in line to do early pages each week again.

Also! If you haven't heard my plans: Nix will update like a regular web comic with a one page a week schedule. But if you're super eager and want to read the chapter in one big chunk, it'll be available as a full e-book PDF you can buy from the start! 

So you can have 3 ways to read: For free on the website with a page every week, a week early for Early Access on this Patreon, or full chapters for sale whenever a new chapter begins.

Whichever way you like, I can't wait for you to read my new story!





Looking forward to it


Yay! \o/


This looks SO good!!


Awwww those eyes... so cute ❤️