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Hey everyone! Just wanted to update on a couple things.

Good News: I'm moving to a place where rent costs less, so that Patreon goal has lessened accordingly.  And look at that! We've hit it now!

Sad News: I've been burning myself out for quite a while trying to get pages drawn and write and plan every chapter, and all the behind the scenes stuff that comes with making a web comic.  Not to mention all the unrelated  work I have to do on the side so that I have enough money to keep living.  So you'll notice one of the goals is now missing, the 3 day a week one. It's just been too much for me to handle.

So as of the next chapter, Supernormal Step is going back to updating on Monday and Thursday, 2 days a week.

Sorry everyone! But hopefully this will make the comic better in the long run, as I will be able to stay healthy and keep making it.

Thanks for your continued support!



I completely understand don't worry, and I am in no way complaining before you think I am, I'm being jokey, but in all the years I've read Supernormal Step you've switched between three updates a week and two updates a week that you could just say I'm doing the thing again and most would know what you mean. :3

Owen Smith

Totally cool. Hope you like the new place!


Well, two Supernormal Step pages a week is still faaar better than no pages at all. Plus, I finally have somethin to read on Thursdays ! So, keep up the good work, and keep on enjoying what you're doing :)