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And that's the Chapter 2 cliffhanger! Onto chapter 3! Well... hopefully soon.

Sadly I've had a really hard time writing this past year and Chapter 3 is not completely written yet. It's on it's way though! I'm now writing every single day to try and get it done in time.

But, I still have to finish it, send it to the editors, make adjustments. etc. Once that's all done, the new chapter will start as pages are available.

Here's the thing also: I usually take 2 weeks off between chapters anyway, by time those weeks are up I might be ready to put pages out. I just don't know yet!

So this is just a warning, It might be a bit longer of a break this time, or it might not! Maybe I'll write like the wind and suddenly there will be no problems in two weeks. We'll see! I'll keep you updated.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2! I really loved this one!




no worries. Take your time. Some times you just get burnt out and it's been a strange few months.


Enjoy your break, bub! Sometimes nothing takes the wind out of your sails more than forcing yourself to work on something when you are just not feeling it at that time. Sometimes the creative batteries need that recharge!!!

Anne Welborn

Take all the time you need and come back when you're ready to continue the story. It's certainly been a great ride so far.

Joshua Wolfe

The facial expressions and use of viewpoint have been great in this chapter. It's like a gritty noir film. Plenty of rough action but also intense emotions. I love how things have progressed.