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Sorry it's been super quiet here friends! I'm interested in doing more Patreon-only drawing streams, but I'm not sure what to do. Last one where I did free requests didn't work out so well, so what should I do to improve it? How far ahead should I schedule it? What would you like to see? What time of day works best for you (include your timezone)?



I can't really say much for improvements considering I wasn't present at the last one(s). For the schedule, at least a few days, 2 or 3, up to a week maybe? What to see, I really don't know, either random doodling or a bit more chat focused suggestions perhaps (not direct requests but more improvised stuff that might change and evolve along the way)? And time of day, maybe something later, 9 or 10 Atlantic, can be later as well


I was present at the last one, so here's my thoughts: 1) More forewarning, a few days notice at least. I think it would be even better to have them regularly scheduled so people can better plan around them. 2) I think general requests work out well, but having clear rules may help people choose their requests (e.g. theme-specific, pick from a list, won't draw X, etc). 3) Assuming most of your audience is in the US and you're in Pacific time zone, I'd think the 6PM to 8PM range would work best. Most people will be off work then and that's not too late for those on the East coast (9PM to 11PM).

Scott McCarthy

-How far ahead should I schedule it? At least several days, preferable at least a week. a regular and schedule would be best but that is something that would probably develop ocer time. -What would you like to see? themed streams might be interesting, or possibly have a suggestions phase before the stream, where people could post ideas, and then use some method (vote, random chance, etc) to select what to go with. -What time of day works best for you (include your timezone)? On weekdays : 6PM to 11 PM EST Weekends pretty much any time is good.