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So, the last Early Page update marks the end of Supernormal Step. (I've been working on that for almost 10 years holy crap!) That means for a little while, there won't be any updates for that reward tier.

It will return soon with Speak of the Devil though! How soon, I'm not sure yet. Speak of the Devil's official website launch is going to have 5 pages right away. I have to talk to some people to figure out if I can maybe slowly give you those pages weekly before then. We'll see.

Either way, it won't be more than 2 months before it starts up again, Speak of the Devil's official launch is planned for sometime in July and we're right on track to do just that.

I'd really appreciate anyone who sticks around in the $1 tier, since I technically won't have a job between Supernormal Step ending and Speak of the Devil beginning, but I totally understand if you want to drop out for a bit.

In the meantime, I'll be working hard to launch Speak of the Devil with a sturdy foundation for the future. I'm so excited for you to see it!

Thank you all for reading Supernormal Step.



Congratulations! Regardless of Early Pages, I will continue hanging around. I'd probably forget to resub... repatron? Whatever. After the new series kicks off if I did and I do enjoy your work and would hate for you to starve.


Looking forward to speak of the devil

Joshua Wolfe

Looking forward to the new comic, the concept drawings look pretty neat. Urban fantasy is my jam.


Supernormal Step was the first webcomic I ever started reading. It introduced me to whole concept of webcomics. I'm glad it exists, I'm glad I got to read it, and I'm excited to see all the stuff you've got planned.

Anne Welborn

Very much looking forward to what comes next and yes I'm going to stick around. I'd love to be able to offer more than a $1, but I'm poor so I can't unfortunately.


I don't actually appreciate these kinds of comments, however much you may be joking. My comics are my passion and I would drop every other tier if it meant getting to focus on them more. I get that you like the other stuff more, but being dismissive about the thing I love makes me want to do those higher tiers less and I have quit doing them in the past because of attitudes like that. It's not funny to me.


I’m going to miss Supernormal Step, it’s one of the few comics I’ve been continuously for a long time. I look forward to seeing what creative route you take with Speak if the Devil. I’ll definitely continue to be a Patron, I figure with the amount of time I was reading Supernormal Step you deserve that much at the very least!

Owen Smith

Thanks for all the comics so far, Mike. Concept art for Speak of the Devil looks very cool - looking forward to it!

Scott McCarthy

Is there any plans for more print volumes of supernormal step? I have everything up to encore, and would love to have the full run


I want to do them, but there are no plans just yet. I don't have the time, funds, or energy to do them myself. I'm talking with Hiveworks about helping me out with them, so hopefully I'll have news in the future about it.