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Small reward tiers update! I told the four VIP section reward tier supporters this recently, but I figured I should tell all of you as well. There will be no more VIP reward tier ($50 - Single character requests each month) after this month, for a while at least, as I've been having trouble with all the work I need to do recently.

To keep the story brief, I'm juggling a lot of things right now as I prepare for Speak of the Devil launching this summer. I knew I needed to make some changes when I started feeling panic attacks coming. Luckily, once I decided to stop this tier, I was able to calm down a bit and it made everything else a bit more manageable.

Once Supernormal Step is over, and Speak of the Devil is well underway, maybe I'll have more free time to bring it back. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks to everyone who supported for that reward in the past! It was really fun to get those small requests each month!



Will this mean a slow down on your NSFW art also?


I hope I haven't been contributing to the stress!


Don't worry about it! It's mostly that all my work on Speak of the Devil is unpaid until the series starts, so I'm doing basically double duty while still only getting the same paycheck until Supernormal Step ends.


Probably not! Doing pieces off the NSFW request list is actually a fun break for me. I’d like to do more with my new amount of breathing room. Fun art breaks like that actually reduces my stress.