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So, I haven't posted this here yet, but I did one last redesign of Sunday, and here she is! This is officially the last design for Sunday Blackburne, as I've started to do official art and can't change her anymore.

And along with seeing her for the first time, why not get to know her? I've been filling out a questionnaire trying to figure out a bunch of elements of her personality and backstory. It might be more fun though if I throw the questions to you!

Ask Sunday some questions! And I'll try to have Sunday answer them. (unless the answer would be spoilers, or if I just don't want to answer it for some other reason)



Garrett M

Favorite hobbies?


Favorite type of music?


Favorite food?


Sunday: "Reading, a lot of nonfiction. History, biographies, etc. Guilty pleasure though is sci-fi/fantasy romance trash, two girls having an adventure and then making out. Both are good for my brain, in different ways."


Sunday: "Punk, like, the real stuff. Not corporate watered down pop-punk, which can be fine sometimes, just not what I want. I want music that reminds me I'm not alone in my frustration about the way the world works, and pumps me up to keep fighting back."


Sunday: "Pizza is good. Though, I make a better homemade calzone than I do a homemade pizza. I couldn't tell you why."


Favorite type of movies ?


What is your job and how did you come to do it ?


Sunday: "I dunno about genre or anything, but I like older movies. They're... quieter, and I don't just mean audio. Modern movies just feel like a lot of noise sometimes. I like quiet."


Sunday: "I'm a Freelancer, similar to the actual definition of the word, it means I do a lot of jobs for different people. More specifically, the term started getting used to describe people that can be an investigator, a bodyguard, hired muscle, work that can get you into trouble real quick. if you call yourself a Freelancer around here, that means you know how to handle that trouble."


Do you have a favorite type of “scene” you particularly enjoy hanging out at other than home?


Sunday: "Not anymore, when I was younger sure. Nowadays my job has me out so much that, if I'm not working, I just want to decompress at home."


Is there anyone special in your life? or are you not really into that?


Sunday: "Not at the moment. My last relationship ended in a pretty volcanic argument. Not actively excited about diving back into all that. After every relationship I end up thinking, well, there goes my last chance, but we'll see what happens I guess."


Where do you work and what do you do?