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I did a line-up of the Demon Dregs girls earlier, and now for the dudes! I did the original line-ups over 4 years ago, so here's a quick run-down of changes I made to earlier versions you might have seen.

  • Boss, Chapman, and Dreyer are almost exactly the same, just redrawn. Boss I just altered his suit a bit, Dreyer got recolored to be a bit more striking. Chapman got no changes whatsoever.
  • King is mostly the same aside from colors and a few less bandages, though I made him a bit smaller. He's still the biggest of the group, just a bit less bulky
  • Joseph was a priest in earlier designs, but I think that backstory just kind of gets in the way, so I got rid of it.
  • When I made Adam I originally, I was trying to do an interesting take on Frankenstein's Monster that was a half ghost thing, and it didn't work. It was just a confusing design. So now he's just a ghost, which I had already used previously in the "Tangible" chapter.
  • Roggeveen got the biggest overhaul. Both in terms of backstory and design. Originally I had designed him to be a parody of some cool action guy monster-hunting characters, but I just ended up making a design I hated with a character and personality I didn't want to write anything for. So I took some small elements from his design and reworked them, just at first trying to make a character I thought was hot. And now he's a vampire or something. He's one of my favorites now.

Hope you like the updates!




we never did get to see King in action

Adam Daw

This is awesome. I know you mentioned just doing some potential pinup/character work, but I'd happily sub on the reg for a Demon Dregs comic - page at a time like Supernormal Step or otherwise, NSFW or not. Really dug the world and the characters.


It's not a matter of money, I just don't have any interest in writing it as a comic anymore.


There was a piece with king and Camille, kind of. it was a physical hologram.


It's really cool to see these characters again! I don't remember Roggeveen tho, was there any art of him of his old design besides the last line up?


He was only ever in the original line-up, I never used him in anything since I didn't really like him from the start.

Adam Daw

Fair enough! I didn't mean to imply money, just enthusiasm.


Roggeveen is like your own personal Dante!


Basically! Most of the characters are meant to be my takes on existing things. Roggeveen is a Dante clone, Chapman is a cute boy version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dreyer is a disheveled Dr. Strange, etc.