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AC (ArynChris)

That does make a lot of sense, really. Not that I have magic powers or anything, but I definitely know what that moment feels like. The "I've got this, but it's fragile, so I'm not going to tell you in case you burst the bubble before I can use it."


At first when I saw you mention using thinner lines I was worried it might lose some of your style, but it looks like I was wrong! The thin lines work great, I'm just worried that the image compression when you post it on the main site may lose some of the detail. Speaking of your style, the nostril profile line thing you used to do, you brought it back! :D I remember you explained why you did it in a livestream ages ago, and then it disappeared. I always thought it was weird given how adamant you were about it in the stream that you abandoned it later. I thought you were just changing your style so I didn't comment, but I'm guessing by the latest Mastodon posts it was haters instead?


I wouldn't call people who's personal tastes aren't in tune with a tiny little aspect of my art "Haters" but essentially yes. I stopped it because a bunch of people commented on it and made me sad.


Sorry, it's been a long week for me and it's quite late at night here, I couldn't think of a better way to word it. Either way, when it comes to quirks like that, your style is your style and you do you. Not to diminish the importance of criticism, but as for a bunch of people commenting negatively, it's always important to remember that unhappy people will be more vocal than happy or indifferent people. I don't know what your readership number is, but always keep that number in mind when reading criticisms or complaints. Just pulling some numbers out of my backside here, 5 people commenting negatively can feel like a lot if nobody is saying anything nice, but it doesn't seem so big when you put it in the framing that 500 people are reading and only 5 felt the need to criticise something.


I've always liked the nose line, I'm glad to see it as well