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Hey everyone! I wanted to let everyone know I've added a goal to get 3 Supernormal Step pages a week! Also is there anything you'd like to see here? I Know my Patreon is pretty barren. I've got a bunch of concept art started for upcoming stuff, is that something you'd like to see? I always assume people don't want to be spoiled. Let me know if theres anything you think I could add to the patreon.



3 a week? Sweet. Any chance of art of the cast just going about their normal business, like what they do in their spare time, or daily lives?


Not sure about doing single illustrations like that, but I think you will like what I have planned for the future of the comic.


I don't like to be spoiled, but I do like seeing some of the creative process. Perhaps post the concept/progress work with a rough estimate of when the corresponding pages would come out? Then people who wanna peek can peek and people who wanna wait can wait.


I've always been interested in the setting. Maybe some brief background articles about various topics such as races, history, technology/magic and so on.