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Hey everyone! I just wanted to warn everyone that things may or may not slow down a bit here. I'm still going to work as much as I can to keep all the content flowing that I need to. But things are going bad for me.

Me and my wife are getting divorced, and it's going to be emotionally difficult for me for a while. On top of that, I have to try and work more than ever so that I can afford to live somewhere on my own soon.

So, the work won't stop, you can be sure of that. I just might not be able to put out as much extra content as I usually do.

Also, I might have to change the goals I've set, once I know how much it will cost to live somewhere on my own.

That's all, I hope everyone else is doing well! I'll try to power through and get my life back on track soon.



Rough times, sorry to hear that


Really sorry to hear about this, man. Hope things start looking up again for you soon!


I'm sorry to hear about that. You do you don't worry about us, focus on yourself first. Also, incase your interested this might help with living on your own <a href="http://topcowofficial.tumblr.com/post/160960878251/are-you-ready-to-enter-the-top-cow-talent-hunt" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://topcowofficial.tumblr.com/post/160960878251/are-you-ready-to-enter-the-top-cow-talent-hunt</a>


Oh no, is there any way we can help?


I'm sorry to hear, I hope you don't worry too much on this end, you take care of you first.

AC (ArynChris)

Ow. Sorry to hear that, and hope things settle out soon.


My apologies you have to go through this. Best of luck! We'll be here!