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Yesterday, I was asked ybout the pictures of Yuka Vilano as they cannot be seen here anymore.

I took them down two weeks ago by request of the model. She saw the pictures on other platforms where they are posting pictures they stole from patreon, onlyfans, etc. 

Another model also compaint that she found our pictures on the Internet just recently - but, hasn`t decided if she wants all pictures gone, yet.

So, I want to make one thing clear to everybody. I love what I do, and I also like to show the results here on this platform, but, I do not depend on being here and my models being happy ist the most important thing to me. So, everytime a model is uncomfortable when she sees or hears about her pictures being stolen and spread thoughout the internet I will do as they ask and maybe, in the long run, I will also stop running this page here at all. 

This means, the audience to my pictures (uncensored) will be - the models and me. Nobody else. 

I know, that it is just a minority that does those things!

But, I can only adress them here in this way and I hope, they understand, that by doing these things they harm everybody involved.

Thanks for your time and understanding!

If anybody needs a german translation - drop me a line!

I wish everybody a nice evening!



es ist doch echt zum kotzen, dass es einige wenige immer für alle anderen versauen. ich hoffe du und alle beteiligten bleiben uns erhalten, kann aber verstehen wenn nicht :(


noch sind wir hier, ich wollte das als bitte und warnung zugleich verstanden wissen und hoffe, die betroffenen personen oder die person, versteht es und hört auf bilder zu klauen. danke euch allen!!!