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We've all been there, seated for afternoon tea, when 5 stones of your dress is accidentally swept to the side- Whoops! Much like me, when I totally meant to make this earlier but got swept up in other things. It's all of Mishap at Teatime, all in one place!

Click here to download! (there's a new version as of the 25th)

I hope you enjoy it and you will probably see these characters again, but for now their adventure is all wrapped up nice and snug! Thank you everyone, hope you have a great week and get enough "you" time!

PS: I may not have done that right, I'll be checking back to make sure the link works for everyone :O

PS PS: I checked it again and I didn't notice a few really obvious whoopsies before, so there's a new and much smaller version up now!!




Thanks for compiling them! This might be one of my favorite comic series from you!


I love this cover. It feels like an obscure find in an old bookstore, some kind of do’s and don’ts guide for the diaper dependent lady in polite victorian society


Lovely cover for a lovely comic~!


I really like the new cover, seeing you experimenting with new styles is always fun. Keep up with the good work.


This is such an adorable story. It's nice to see something wholesome amidst the constant humiliation and degradation.


when is next award for Monday going to be released?


I try to keep the pot stirred! :D I am so surprised how much love it has gotten so I will probably do more like it in the future :)


im still waiting on monday reward. I thought you would be releasing a marty issue yesterday since it was late