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Ugh, that got mushier than Erin’s diaper pail. But what the heck, I try to keep you guessing! Anyways, I hope this has been enjoyable, even though it was a little off the beaten path for the diaper dorks! They’re still dorks after all 😉

I think there will be OOoone more part to wrap it all up nice & snug, then I'll make a little book with a cover and then it's on to something new! Thank you all so so much and I hope you have a very fun and wonderful weekend :D




Well all the roommates know now so who says she has to go back to being potty trained~?


Unpotty training and diapers for all! Mwahaha >:D


Ack! My heart! They’re so cute, even if they’re just friends. Littles deserve friends who’ll accept them like with these two 😭


Once again, freeaakin adorable <3


This has been a really nice change of pace, as much as I'm also super excited for every new Marty/Moe page as well. So nice and cute


I'm so glad!! I lovee variety so I understand where you're coming from :)