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In for a penny, in for getting changed by your roommate... that's how the saying goes, right? :U 

So I really wanted to put 2 parts up every week but it's just too much dang work on top of rewards!! It is about 2x as long as a regular comic anyways... I just love letting you see the characters' personalities! So, just so you know, it'll be posting like this from now on, unless I'm feeling quite spicy on a give Friday.

Thank you all so much, I hope you enjoy and have a very special fun weekend!! 




Awwwww good baby


I love this series so much!!! 😭


The roommate seems almost like she’s used to this sort of thing. Maybe she works in the maternity ward at the hospital… or maybe one of her fellow nurses has a bit of an accident problem? Now doesn’t that sound familiar


Also, the idea of a big baby shower has me super curious now


Erin’s blushing red face, reacting to the unfolding situation, gives me such a big smile on my own face 😊


The intricate web of Diaper Dorkverse crossovers is finally becoming revealed!!


absolutely loving this so far, ur writing and dialogue is *mwah* chefs kiss


Thank you very much! That's one of my favorite parts of coming up with these :)